Salam wa aleikum

....thanks for coming to read my blog.

I hope that you will enjoy keeping in touch with our lives, and that one day, you might even make the trek out to come and visit with us (**NB - VISA's upon arrival for Canadians once again!!).

Grab yourself a nice cup of tea (Make mine JTG's Blue Mountain, mixed with a hint of French Earl...but get something that suits your fancy), and let's catch up...

Friday, May 6, 2011

My girl likes to party all the time...

I really feel that Eddie Murphy didn't get enough credit for this song. I for one, really enjoyed it's upbeat tempo and catchy lyrics. His voice isn't all that bad either. Just wait--I'm sure that Glee will do a cover of it, and it will skyrocket back to the top of the charts. Eddie can add a few more benjamins to his account (already well padded with Donkey money).

Last night, we went to a party at my friend Shariza's place (Mr. K's birthday party). We finally had a chance to meet Arul (Mr. Shariza), who travels an awful lot for work--so much in fact that I was beginning to wonder if there WAS a Mr. Shariza. We were given a special dispensation to bring along my favourite breast pump (NB S), and after putting the other two to sleep, we head over. I was only expecting to stay until 10 pm (b/c new mommies need their rest).

We had a really good time, with enjoyable company and conversation. Peter burned his mouth on the spicy Malaysian fare. I watched him mop his forehead, curse the food for its spiciness, and then shovel in forkful after forkful. "Why don't you just stop eating it?" I implored him (several times). However, his mouth was too full (and he probably couldn't even see me shaking my head, as the sweat pooled into his eyes) to give me an answer. NB S impressed everyone with her calm and sleepy sweetness. She woke a few times to nurse and went back to sleep. We enjoyed some quiet time with our hosts, and learned that Arul has an impeccable Chinese accent.

It was a shock to us when we got into the truck to discover that is was past midnight. We drove home another couple who also lived in Raha Gardens (and let them enjoy reliving their younger days of sitting in the boot). We shared more than a few laughs with Neil and Helen last night, and hope to see them again in the future.

We missed you Andrea and Neva!

This morning, we were still up bright and early to head out to the Shang. We were looking forward to a breakfast date with our friend Bruce (formerly a regular fixture at the Friday breakfast buffet), who is here on business. We enjoyed learning about how he and his family are settling in back home in Calgary, and look forward to seeing them once again this summer.

Peter is getting ready for a 12 day business trip (New York and London). I am sure things will be fine here, but I expect to be plenty tired, as NB S is still waking every 2-3 hours for feedings . We will just hope for the best, and sleep when I can.

I'm bananas about my Grandpa

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