Salam wa aleikum

....thanks for coming to read my blog.

I hope that you will enjoy keeping in touch with our lives, and that one day, you might even make the trek out to come and visit with us (**NB - VISA's upon arrival for Canadians once again!!).

Grab yourself a nice cup of tea (Make mine JTG's Blue Mountain, mixed with a hint of French Earl...but get something that suits your fancy), and let's catch up...

Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve

The last two nights have been absolutely awful. Little A has been coughing all night long, and usually only falls asleep after 2 or 3 in the morning, which must be from sheer exhaustion. Now--pregnant ladies generally don't have very good sleeps as it is. Add to that, one coughing toddler (with an "on-again-off-again" fever), and the sleep goes down to nil. Tonight we have tried the vapor rub on the feet and a spoonful of honey--and I am desperately hoping that this might soothe her coughing somewhat. I feel that a good night's sleep is what she needs to get on the healing side of this cold we've all had.

Baby N is feeling much better. His appetite has returned (although you wouldn't know it from the uneaten bowl of cereal I found when i returned from the hospital this morning) and his nose is running freely. When he woke up from his afternoon siesta, he was all laughs and smiles--and despite the fact that I desperately needed more sleep--who could ignore such an endearing little fellow?

This morning started early for me (actually--it felt more like a run-on continuation of yesterday). I went for my glucose test at the hospital (Friday being their low-traffic day). I combined my 8 hours of fasting with the 8 hours that I generally don't eat while I am asleep, and just headed out to the lab (which is open 24 hours) as soon as I woke up. I was so early (shortly after 7 a.m.) that I even beat "Allah" ( joke) the receptionist, who was supposed to start at 7 a.m (inshallah). Fortunately, the lab techs are trained to process people, and Cherie got me sorted, poked and sampled. I even managed to snag myself a bed to lie down in for the three hours that I spent there (ahh--being pregnant has its privileges sometimes), and got free cookies and milk afterwards (you just have to know the right people to ask). This test was checking to see if I have gestational diabetes, and results should be available in three days.

While in the hospital, I wandered upstairs to the NICU, to see if the nurses had received the 'one year later' thank-you chocolates I dropped off for them. Though nobody answered the door (not surprising--the service in the NICU hasn't improved all that much in a year), I was satisfied when I saw N's sweet little face peeking out at me from the 'thank-you' board they had put up outside (probably to entertain people while they take their sweet time answering the door). On my way back downstairs, I ran into Dr. Basel, who was the pediatrician who was in the room when N was born, and whom we dealt with primarily in the early days. I have mixed feelings about this man. Though he seemed good-hearted and well-intentioned...his lack of experience and eagerness to poke and prod my tiny N, searching for answers at any cost, still doesn't sit well with me. He asked if we had any follow-up biopsies or EMG done on N. I told him that the doctors we were seeing did not feel it was necessary as N has developed so much, and that they are content to just monitor him. He wanted to know which doctors I was seeing...and once I dropped all the BIG names from the Sheikh Khalifa Medical City (this is the 'elite' hospital in Abu Dhabi--generally its services and specialists are reserved for the local population, and we ourselves needed a referral and waited months for N to receive their services) on his lap, he didn't have much left to converse with me about. So, I wished him a Happy New Year and went on my way for my last poke.

We have spent just a lazy day at home with the kids--partly b/c they are sick, and partly b/c we don't have the energy to do anything else. We treated ourselves (again) to McDonald's for supper, and likely will not be awake to welcome in the New Year. Little A was so cute, as she expressed concern that we had not decorated the house for Chinese New Year yet, and it was already here. I explained to her that CHINESE New Year comes in February, and we would decorate after we took down the Christmas decorations. She's probably wondering how many 'New Years' actually happen in any given year, with the Islamic Hijri New Year, our 'Judeo-Christian' New Year and the Chinese New Year (thankfully, we celebrate "Diwali" as just "Diwali" and NOT the Hindu New Year)--probably pretty confusing for a three-year old (and frankly--also a bit much for a 35 year old). Maybe we need to lay off all this 'multiculturalism' in my house??

I don't have any resolutions to make (although, obviously, 'lose some weight' springs to mind). A friend, I can't remember who, told me this year, that 'God laughs when people make plans'. So, I think rather than making all these 'plans', that I will just endeavour to do my best to enjoy life as it comes. To not stress and worry about so many things, and just to be happy with what we have.

Last year, at this time, I had a tiny little baby who had just come home from the hospital--and his whole future was a big question mark in my heart. I was devastated and reeling. I distinctly remember taking a picture of him and A, with their "Happy New Year" noisemakers...and he was not too much bigger than the toy--so tiny and so fragile.

This year, I have a new picture of him, in my head and my heart: round and cherubic, full of mischief, chewing that same New Year's noisemaker with his 3.5 teeth. What a difference one year makes!

Wishing all of our friends and family happiness, peace and love for 2011.

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