Salam wa aleikum

....thanks for coming to read my blog.

I hope that you will enjoy keeping in touch with our lives, and that one day, you might even make the trek out to come and visit with us (**NB - VISA's upon arrival for Canadians once again!!).

Grab yourself a nice cup of tea (Make mine JTG's Blue Mountain, mixed with a hint of French Earl...but get something that suits your fancy), and let's catch up...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Little Ballerina

Thanks to my friend Helen for this picture from the girls' recital last term

Little A is starting her second term of ballet classes today at 2:45 (right now she is still asleep). We have limited choice over here, with respect to classes. She is currently taking classes through Arabesque Ballet Centre, and though I have wonderful things to say about her teacher Ms. Jesse, I wish that the organization itself was better run and more organized. Initially, I was very excited, as the director and dance instructor are both Canadians--I had high expectations! Plus, the time (not smack in the middle of toddler nap-times) was the best around. But--communication is a big issue--which hasn't improved much!

For example: today is the first day of class after the winter break. Despite asking several times, I do not receive regular email updates from the director. As such, I didn't receive any reminder email, or text message, to let me know that classes resumed today. Of all the moms in this group--I seem to be the most 'up-to-date' (sigh--a sad truth) and so the few texts I sent out this morning were unhelpful. The only document I have is a November newsletter (which I received in December, after requesting it), which states classes for Term 2 begin on January 2. I also have my (not-to-be-trusted) memory of a conversation with Ms. Jesse, where she told me she would be back for classes on January 2.

However, as Peter reminds me, Little A loves the classes (which she does without me) and she loves Ms. Jesse. As long as Ms. Jesse shows up regularly for the classes, then I should be happy. This term we are trying a new studio out, in Sas Al Nakhl (and I didn't forget the vowels by accident...they aren't there). Last term we worked out of the squash court in the Golf Gardens. The Golf Gardens and Sas Al Nakhl are rival compounds to Al Raha Gardens (where we make our home)--except they are better developed (and pricier) because they actually have FACILITIES: swimming pools, work-out rooms, grocery and coffee shops. Though Sas is a bit of a further drive (and has life-threatening power-lines humming all around--a big reason why we opted out of living there), we chose it this term so that I could do a Spinney's grocery run while little A does her jetes and pirouettes (although I don't think she is pirouetting quite yet).

Better run and wake the sleeping beauty--I HATE this part!!

Update: Waking the sleeping beauty was a nightmare! I had to drag her to the car in her giraffe pj's and change her into her leotard in the back. The only other child there was my friend's daughter (whom I had reminded about the class this morning). The studio is beautiful though, with lots of natural sunlight (although it was dusky today) and a view of the swimming pool.

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