Salam wa aleikum

....thanks for coming to read my blog.

I hope that you will enjoy keeping in touch with our lives, and that one day, you might even make the trek out to come and visit with us (**NB - VISA's upon arrival for Canadians once again!!).

Grab yourself a nice cup of tea (Make mine JTG's Blue Mountain, mixed with a hint of French Earl...but get something that suits your fancy), and let's catch up...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Pricks & Jabs

I spent the morning at SKMC this morning. N's round of injections started today, and our appointment was at 9:30. I had to make a quick stop first at the physio building though, as they forgot to return our invaluable Daman card to us on our last visit.

It was a very promising start:

9:15: pick-up card (which they actually had waiting for me at the front desk)
9:30: register at Clinic 5
9:32: get 'vital stats' registered
9:34: in to see the doctor

How did they manage to be so timely?? seems the lady who had the 8:30 a.m. appointment showed up about two minutes AFTER I registered (thankfully--otherwise I would likely be waiting for her appointment to finish before the doctor would see N).

At 9:50, I was practically floating down to the pharmacy, with my prescription in hand. I smiled easily when they told me '20 minutes'. N and I went exploring the hospital and I was delighted to find a great little cafeteria, a huge indoor children's playground and a POST-OFFICE...all easily accessible in the next building over. I returned, fed N a bottle, and then sat down to wait.

And that's when it all started to unravel...

We FINALLY got our prescription after an hour of waiting (after I went twice to check on it). N was already screaming and fussy--no sleep plus restricted movements...a bad combination. We went back to the clinic (for the injection), to find my prescription was incomplete (I needed enough for 8 injections, and they had only given enough for 5), and they did not give me a refill slip (so we had to get another copy for the pharmacy--or there would be more hassle in the future). The nurse told me she would take care of it.

The prick of the needle wasn't too bad--much gentler than I had built it up to be. N cried just for a second, and then it was all done. The nurse did a really good job, and I am reconsidering her as a candidate to perform N's one year vaccinations.

Happy to be done, we booted it out of there. N fell asleep quickly in the car, and I had a relaxed drive home. Until my phone rang, and nurse Sheila from the hospital asked me if I was able to come back to the hospital. The pharmacy claimed they dispensed the entire prescription, when the nurse and I both knew they only gave us 5 ampules. The nurse asked if she could come and show them (as she was storing all the injections in the refrigerator at the hospital) and they said I had to do it. ARGH!! So, she gave me the number, and I told her I would call later. I was pretty doubtful that my calling would make much of a difference.

When we got home, I gave N lunch and some paracetamol (even though he showed no indications of pain and suffering--he is so brave and stoic). Little A was happy to see us (and still dancing around in her new dress from our trip to Dubai Mall yesterday) and displayed a lovely amount of sisterly sympathy for N and his band-aid. Then it was 'nap-time'--N went down much easier than his sister--perhaps I should have given her some paracetamol as well. As it is Sunday, we have to be ready for baby ballet at 2:45--and I am NOT looking forward to the usual 'I hate ballet' wake up cry.

I managed to get a hold of the pharmacy, who stated that I actually DO have the remaining 3 injections to pick up, and it is in the 'system'. I clarified that if there was some 'misunderstanding' on my part as to how many injections I was actually missing, whether I could clear it up when i came in on Wednesday. The pharmacist said it would not be a problem.

Fingers crossed for Wednesday!

As a treat to myself, I gave our helper some cash and a grocery list. She will do the shopping for me today. I have neither the time or energy to do it today.

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