Salam wa aleikum

....thanks for coming to read my blog.

I hope that you will enjoy keeping in touch with our lives, and that one day, you might even make the trek out to come and visit with us (**NB - VISA's upon arrival for Canadians once again!!).

Grab yourself a nice cup of tea (Make mine JTG's Blue Mountain, mixed with a hint of French Earl...but get something that suits your fancy), and let's catch up...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Taking a little break...

I've had a little tiff with my see, I got tired of waiting hours for pics to upload, and then having them be the cause of reformatting my blog-spacing. Whenever I tried to correct the spacing, pictures would 'delete' themselves and have to be uploaded again. was time for a well needed break. I'm not really an explosive person...just take some time off...and then try again (leaving the angry confrontations for others who are more comfortable with that sort of thing).

Anyways, I've taken my time to cool down, and now I'm back.

The weather continues to cool down here. P is back at work, so I'm able to get back to my own 'routines', which will now be changing, as it seems A and I finally have our own car to drive around in. This will really change up our days (at least I'm hoping it might). I was delighted to have the Al Raha workmen remark on my return...'I think missus has been on have not been walking' least someone missed me.

Seems Phinn has a 'cough'...he has been hacking ALL DAY LONG. Nothing more soothing and peaceful than a coughing dog. I'm assuming that A has given him something to eat (maybe her baby mum-mum bar?) that he shouldn't have had, and now he's got a little 'tickle' in his throat. If it doesn't clear up in a few days, I will trek him over to the German Vet Clinic, which is conveniently 5 minutes from my house!! I had never heard of this clinic before moving here, and P and I discovered it by accident when we were driving home one day from the strip mall (also near to our home).

The cough will be a bit annoying though, when we have our 'company' over this evening. I am so excited that my friends, the Dehiris, from England (that A and I made during our stay at the Millennium Hotel) have returned. They contacted me the other day, and are taking a taxi out here around 5 o'clock. I loved entertaining people back home in Edmonton...but am so out of practice (not to mention, we don't really have all the same groceries here at our disposal). P is picking up a few things on his way home. A is also preparing by having a good and long nap.

A is a regular little darling. Still not much for the sleeping, her appetite for new words continues to grow. To date, the words she signs are: eat, all done (usually once Baby Einstein is over), hi, bye, fish, pig, elephant, more and milk. The words she speaks are: mamma (also means 'want that'), babba (often yelled really loud to help conduct the sound to her dad's small ears), buh-buh (bye), moo (cow sound), moon (in the sky), hee-hee-hee (for monkey), snorting noise (for pig), panting noise (for dog), roar (for lion), bird, up and down (which she does with a hand gesture when she wants Phinn to lie down) and the latest addition is 'shzz' (for shoes). She acquired the sign for fish pretty quickly (I used it once at the Aquarium and again when we were watching Baby Einstein, and now she shows me whenever she sees a fish).

Although she does not have a huge vocabulary, her comprehension is pretty good. She is able to retrieve things like her laptop, her fish and other items upon request. She will also pass things to her babba (like usb keys) when asked to do so. She likes to take Phinn for walks, daily, and ensures that he gets brushed and fed a cookie after every walk. To Phinn's chagrin, she also likes him to wear his harness and leash even while he is at home (not really sure why though, as she only walks him for a few seconds and then forgets about it...until I try to take the leash off that is).

She does love her room and her 'library'. I can now empathize with my friend Lynn, our school librarian, having to pick up book after book after book...I only do it every few days. She will often race out of our bedroom over to her own room, pull down a book and then sit down on the blanket that Ellie Grandma gave her to 'read'. I'm so proud of her as she babbles away with her stories. I'm also happy that her library is so full...I don't think I will have to buy her any new books until she's seven or eight years old!! Her favourite book, hands down, is "Where is Baby's Mommy?" (thank-you to the Simpson's who got this for her birthday). We have had to glue back a few of the pages...and the shower curtain is MIA...but it is delightful to listen to her read along with this book: I read 'is mommy in the closet?'...and she continues 'nooooooooooo ba bab baba BA' (the only time she really says 'no' so far). I often think of so many of our friends when we read, especially when we find your books in A's library.

Better go and get ready for our guests!

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