post-party |
I can see that my last post was back in January...and a lot has happened since then (obviously). I will do my best to update (and entertain) you--but be sure and press play to the music, to stimulate your other senses (while you read). PRESS PLAY!! This is my theme song for turning 40...
Right after Christmas, after opening ALL the presents, little A went for a play-date at a friend's place and decided she needed to have one of these:
She even came home with a wealth of information (and a web-site) where we could buy it. So, off we went to, and nearly choked when we saw the cost! However, after discussing it with her at length, we decided she could EARN the money, by selling our old toys on Facebook (with help from daddy--the Poster). She managed to quickly raise all the funds she needed. With a little help from our friends (Linda and Brian, who helped her save overseas shipping charges, and had the joy of trying to pack this tail into their luggage--thanks guys!)...she is the happiest little mermaid in the Middle East. Now, Magoo wants one...thankfully, the minimum age for wear is 5.
Lieu Tan Clan |
To update you on Jonesy, she is now enjoying living as a full-time outdoor cat (except for when I have company and she mixes it up too much with everyone and has to have a time-out). We have had her spayed (she started up with some strange yowling one week...and I thought "Oh-oh!"). And, as you can see, Magoo already has her sites set on a ANOTHER cat (whom she met in the waiting room at the vet). I don't blame her...just look how adorable that kitten is!!!
We really enjoyed the Terry Fox run this year (though it seems that we are always catching up a year). We were joined by our friends Brian and Linda (who actually completed the entire walk and then caught back up with us, in time for Uncle Brian to lend his strong shoulders). Afterwards, we had a great lunch at Nations Towers. The kids couldn't figure out who their favorite was: Uncle Brian or Aunty Linda--they laughed so much! We all did!
I was impressed with Lulu (a major grocery chain here), who generously contributed any item they found in their stores labelled "made in Canada". They even added Kraft Dinner (good ol' KD) because it is such a favourite! Then we made them into gifts packs and gave them out as prizes. The maple syrup shots were also a big hit (brain-child of yours truly)--I saw the South Africans had done something like that with sweetened condensed milk last year...and thought--why can't we do that with maple syrup??!! The kids loved it, and we sold out the 100 we had in the first hour.
Then there was St. Patrick's Day in March. Magoo totally rocks a red beard!
We did so well the first week, that I found some people who donated MORE items, and we set it up for a second week. It was great to see so many people come together in our garage--it became a social space, rather than just a place where our cars chill.
It was very successful--we raised over 4000 dirhams, and I have had my fill of garage sales (well--the selling part anyways!).
the set-up |
mummy's best helper |
Peter bought us VIP tickets to go and see Michael Buble in Dubai. Unfortunately, after he bought and paid for the tickets, he discovered that he had a business trip that same week, and would not be able to attend. Fortunately, we managed to find someone to use Peter's ticket, and I still got to go. Michael Buble makes great music and has a wonderful voice--and it was a great night.
The event organizers could have done a better job, at differentiating 'doors open at' and 'concert starts at' on their ticket, as my friend and I got there much too early. Nonetheless, Peter had arranged for a driver for us, so at least we didn't have to drive ourselves home afterwards! Thanks Peter--it would have been a million times better if you could have been there too!
More amazing than the Buble concert, was Magoo's FOURTH birthday. My baby is now FOUR, and we tried to make her celebration very special. We took all the kids to see Cinderella in the theatre (mostly for the Frozen short at the beginning--which actually was a more realistic timing of their attention spans in the cinema). Then we went to ROGOS, the roller coaster cafe, so she could continue her birthday celebration.
Birthday present |
Strike a pose |
For her birthday, Magoo wanted a "Frozen princess tea party" (is that too specific?). So--I did my best to oblige. It was a lot of work, but I think everyone enjoyed themselves. I dressed up as Queen Galadriel (thank-you Tolkien), Magoo was Princess Elsa, and Little A was Princess Rhianna (not to be confused with RiHanna).
The Royal Court |
All the little princesses |
Prince Pickle |
Sadly, after getting rid of all her things, it was time for Shariza to go. I hosted a farewell coffee for her, and got a chance to meet some of her other friends, from different parts of her life. I will miss her a lot, but she has promised me VIP status as a guest in her home in Kuala Lumpur anytime (and I look forward to many visits to KL). Shariza is one of the dearest friends I have made while living abroad--truthfully, I never expected her to leave here before me (or ever...)--but it just goes to show that every ex-pat has an expiry date. I hope to see her often enough not to miss her.
Then there was Easter. For us, it's all about bunnies, eggs and chocolate.
Followed by my 'official' 40th birthday celebration. Peter planned a wonderful evening, with Indian food at Ushna, followed by my favourite, KARAOKE!! I was thrilled to be able to share the evening with so many of the friends we have made here, and everyone who stayed on til the end (after Karaoke) really seemed to enjoy themselves. I like to think it was all me...but I am guessing the free- flowing beverages maybe had something to do with it. We stayed up well past 2 AM, and the picture at the start of my post was taken before we literally collapsed in bed.
The next morning, we welcomed this young man, Chewbacca (the pomeranian formerly known as Albert) into our family. His owner has developed a severe allergy to him, and is re-homing him after five years. He is a dear, and has managed to bring some energy back into Phinn (Chewy's real purpose). Now Phinn no longer spends entire days sleeping under the sofa. Chewy is a lot of fun, follows me where ever I go (currently he is sleeping at my feet), and loves to play. The kids all adore him!
Time to wrap it up (I'm sure that it's more than enough--is the song still playing?). There are little bits and bobs left (like Little A has her RAD exam for grade 1 ballet this week, and I have entered a 30 day fitness challenge and am half way through...) but they will have to wait.
I've still got a lotta life left in me....;-)