Salam wa aleikum

....thanks for coming to read my blog.

I hope that you will enjoy keeping in touch with our lives, and that one day, you might even make the trek out to come and visit with us (**NB - VISA's upon arrival for Canadians once again!!).

Grab yourself a nice cup of tea (Make mine JTG's Blue Mountain, mixed with a hint of French Earl...but get something that suits your fancy), and let's catch up...

Monday, October 17, 2011

Just Another Manic Monday


This picture (taken of T N doing his Nutella tongue-stretching exercises, recommended by his speech therapist), pretty much gives a visual of my mental state at this moment.

We pretty much spent the morning at SKMC.  I had to get my medical for my visa done (but I paid 100 aed and was 'fast-tracked'--a thing of beauty that Fast Track). Then, we found ourselves with 30 minutes to wait for T N's speech therapy appointment.  She was running a few minutes behind, and when we finally saw Sara, we were interrupted by another patient, and then multiple phone calls.  Sara was very apologetic for something that was not her fault, and offered to give me a 'make-up session'.  I laughed, b/c making the drive to SKMC once a week is my limit.

Which is why I was annoyed when I got a call this afternoon telling me that T N's appointment with the pediatric surgeon (just a follow-up) had to be moved to TOMORROW.  Of course, this will be a major time consuming activity.  I know this b/c although the secretary told me my appointment time was 11:20, that I could come as early as I wanted (after 8 a.m.).  I am not sure how they think they are using an 'appointment system', if the earlier I come, the sooner I will be seen.  However, I will leave here at 9 a.m. (otherwise the rush-hour traffic is pretty ugly) and see what happens.

Then it was lunch and afternoon naps (although T N seems to have trouble falling asleep at the same time as the rest of us, which makes this difficult).  Today, because I was over-tired, I asked Malou to put him to sleep.  She tried twice, and after replacing his 'blanky' (the shiny, silky smooth duvet cover that he's slept on since he was a wee tiny baby), he settled down and slept.  I guess he is pretty attached to that, and I will just have to invest in a new duvet cover for our own use.

Of course, this meant he slept right up to dinner time.  I don't like waking him up, feeding him, and putting him back to sleep...but, this is how it went today (though we squeezed in some tubby time for the tubby).

Smile-ah has been screaming, A LOT, today (please see the picture above if you want to know how this makes me feel).  After waking from her afternoon nap, she spit up, let's say FIVE times (to be conservative) in the play area.  Surprise! Surprise! Afterwards she was hungry, and yet, once fed, she was still very irritable.  I gave her something for her tummy (which did nothing).  She seems to be chewing her hand with great force, and so I also gave her something for the pain, and she is now sleeping upstairs.

Now it's just little A and I.  She is playing with her Barbies, but she doesn't really consider it playing unless someone is engaging with her.  Unfortunately, her mom is pretty burnt out today.  She is being great about it though.  However, let's see if her attitude flows over into 'bed-time'.  I'm sure it will...she's generally a pretty sweet little girl (she just showed me the "I love you" sign while I am typing this...awwwwwwwww!!).

I am not sure whether I should watch a show or read for a few minutes of 'me' time tonight.  We'll see which urge is greater.

Suffice it to say, I am not feeling at the top of my game today.  I know tomorrow will be better.  

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