Salam wa aleikum

....thanks for coming to read my blog.

I hope that you will enjoy keeping in touch with our lives, and that one day, you might even make the trek out to come and visit with us (**NB - VISA's upon arrival for Canadians once again!!).

Grab yourself a nice cup of tea (Make mine JTG's Blue Mountain, mixed with a hint of French Earl...but get something that suits your fancy), and let's catch up...

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday

All in one.

We did manage to get our vaccinations on Wednesday morning (it was a LOOOOONG process).  Little A was a bit of a grumpy bird when she learned that she didn't need any needles, but I managed to find a booster she could have.  This immediately cheered her up, and she was so happy, she shared her Tinkerbell bandaids with everyone!

I was quite surprised to see how she didn't even FLINCH--I couldn't tell when the needle even pierced her skin.  With T N and Smile-ah, however, it was very easy to tell.

The two little ones both presented with the usual vaccination side-effects, and we had elevated temperatures and grumpy babies at our place for the next two days.

Thursday was the first day I left little Smile-ah at home with Malou.  Little A had her ballet class, and Smile-ah was sleeping so peacefully, it just didn't feel right to wake her to take her for 30 minutes.  Though I felt pretty torn about leaving her, I felt it was best.  I was relieved to come home to a smiling and happy little one.

Friday we had the usual breakfast (joined by Uncle Pete) and then a nice relaxing day.  We spent some time putting up our Halloween decorations (thanks Nanaji and Naniji for the new additions), and it was nice to see T N so interested (though there was a great deal of howling trying to get him into his pumpkin costume).  However, I had my own attack of the 'grumpies'--not sure if it was a hormone swing or low blood sugar.  It was a strange feeling, as I could tell that my reactions were over the top--yet I couldn't keep them in line.  The irritability lasted for about an hour, and then I managed to get a handle on it.

Saturday we were joined by friends (Team Kandha, Uncle Ajay and Juergen) for salad rolls.  I got to introduce my friend Shariza to something new:  spaghetti squash.  We had a really great time, and so did Little A (though she took a long time to warm up--she seemed to be intimidated that Arysha came with her little sister Amalya...don't really understand why).  By the end of it, all three girls were running around and 'investigating' together (for which Arysha earned a sticker from little A).

We ended the evening with a little drive out to the "Pak Punjab" restaurant (I think I'm the only woman to enter that place this year...or maybe ever)--something I would never have done even a year ago.  I have been asking around for a Punjabi restaurant, and this Sikh guy I met the other day gave me this name (and general directions).  I guess I am pretty used to this place now (and pretty desperate for some authentic Punjabi Indian food).  The food was okay--but I will have to wait and find the "Ind Punjab" restaurant (I know--it doesn't likely even exist).

Another Sunday is here again, and Peter has flown off to New York for the week.  Thankfully, I have Malou and so things are pretty much the same.  I have eaten some fresh coconut jelly with my Fruit and Fibre cereal supper (YUM!!), and just got off the phone with my friend Hussain, the kindly Pakistani watchman who claims that he has cut ties with Pakistan, and wants to go to Canada.  He told me tonight that he is willing to do any work for any body, however the one thing he is unwilling to do is give up his religious beliefs.

I tried to explain once again, how difficult it is to get into Canada (even for University educated folk).  Additionally, I tried to impress upon him how I am not really the best person to help him out (SAHM that I am).  HOWEVER:

If you (or someone you know) need a guy to do any kind of work for you...and you want to sponsor him to come to Canada, please let me know.  Hussain seems to be really sweet, kind and hard-working.  Let me know.  

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