Salam wa aleikum

....thanks for coming to read my blog.

I hope that you will enjoy keeping in touch with our lives, and that one day, you might even make the trek out to come and visit with us (**NB - VISA's upon arrival for Canadians once again!!).

Grab yourself a nice cup of tea (Make mine JTG's Blue Mountain, mixed with a hint of French Earl...but get something that suits your fancy), and let's catch up...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


This morning we were surprised by yet another unexpected house-guest--this time a pigeon.  Malou found the pigeon in our garage this morning, and was surprised at the ease at which she managed to catch it.  She brought it inside, much to the delight of our little ones.  We figure that this pigeon, who is much larger and a different colour than the local species, has likely been kept as a pet by one of the locals, and thus, the wings have been clipped.  We have let him totter around the yard all day long, and he has finally settled down to sleep in the chair beside the pool.

We named him Elvis because he was "King of the Pigeons"

We had a great Diwali.  After Boogie Bears, I picked up my friend Yang who made us a vegetarian Chinese noodle dish (which little A bluntly said 'did not taste very good').  Well, Peter, T N and I all disagree with little A (whose idea of gourmet seasoning is Maggi dip), as we all very much enjoyed the noodles.  I finally broke down and approached Yang for some help/suggestions with my hip, which she immediately inspected amidst the screaming and yowls of my three children (who all decided to skip their naps yesterday).  She has given me some exercises to do, and just today told me that she would like to check it again, in a quieter setting, where we can both focus a little more.

Yan(g) Can

T N has not been sleeping during the day this week.  It has been impossible to put him down for any of his naps, as he just digs up all the sheets from the bed.  I figure this nap-strike has been going on for two weeks now.  Last night, it was painful watching him fall asleep while he was still chewing his supper.  So, today I steeled myself and laid down a screaming monster.  Miraculously, it seems that the strike is over (fingers crossed).

Little A has had some extreme anxiety related to her Dance Club class.  I have noticed since last week that she is becoming harder and harder to put down for naps, and is always asking 'do I have dance club today?', before she will submit to sleep.  She started to ask this even at night time, and with increased hysterics.  Finally, on Tuesday, when I had to listen to her gut-wrenching howls, I had enough.

Crying like that is really abnormal behaviour from her (she is the one who can be galloped on by fellow dance clubbers and hold her tears for 20 minutes until she gets to her momma), and I had to decide how much longer I was going to make her 'tough it out'.  She obviously is not enjoying her Dance Club experience, and spends a lot of time worrying and stressing about it.  So, I made a decision and have moved her to Jazz class instead (the school does not do refunds or credits).  She enjoyed her first class (and why not--it's another private lesson like her ballet class!), and I think we'll just stick with it for a little while, until she chills out a bit.  I'm not sure if it is really necessary to send a four year old into hysterics for a dance class.  Actually, I am sure--it's NOT worth it.

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