Salam wa aleikum

....thanks for coming to read my blog.

I hope that you will enjoy keeping in touch with our lives, and that one day, you might even make the trek out to come and visit with us (**NB - VISA's upon arrival for Canadians once again!!).

Grab yourself a nice cup of tea (Make mine JTG's Blue Mountain, mixed with a hint of French Earl...but get something that suits your fancy), and let's catch up...

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Mitt Guy...

I was reminded of my friend June, and her son Ronin the other day. I met them in a 'new mum's group', and June introduced her baby as 'the mitt guy'. Poor little baby had a severe case of eczema, and they had to keep his hands covered (maybe too much scratching?). Fortunately, they got control of the situation, and I believe his skin has cleared up (though, living in Abu Dhabi, I haven't seen them recently...but he was looking pretty clear before we left).
I decided on Saturday, that it was 'time' to finally bequeath all of my childhood toys to little A. Some of these toys I have had as long as I can remember (so, probably they've been around since 1977). I must admit it was quite a trip down memory lane, seeing ALL of my old 'friends' again. Little A's favourite (so far) has been a little baby toy who I had named 'Lou Guy' (prounounced: Lou-ghee). I have no idea where this name came from, but thanks to my sharp little baby teeth, Lou Guy is now missing most of his fingers and toes. Fortunately, at some point, my Aunty Baksh ('aunty' in the most Indian sense) decided to cover up his disfigurement, by knitting him a snow-suit, complete with mitts. Thus, he is my (now little A's) very own 'mitt guy'. He also, at one point, had a toque (which has gotten lost, I'm sad to admit). So far, Lou Guy has been showering with us, and made a trip out to Kindermusik too. Obviously, we're going to have to do something about the's a little hot here for that.
On Sunday, I hosted the Al Raha playgroup over here. Hosting is so much more enjoyable when someone else (Malou) is helping with set-up, food prep, supervision (other people's children...not mine) and CLEAN-UP!! I must say, she is a wonderful helper! So hard-working, and never seems to tire-out.
Speaking of 'old friends', I am also thrilled to be back in touch (after a 15 year hiatus) with my childhood best-friend. Why the 'time-off'? Seems that back in our first year of University, there was a major misunderstanding, and since both of us were hurt by it, neither of us took the time to really look into it. I can honestly say I have been missing her friendship for a long time. I managed to get the courage to ask for some contact information (delivered by a dear friend), and then somehow found it in me to send out the first e-mail. I guess I figured I didn't have much to lose, being in AD and all. Even if I received no would things really be any different? I was overjoyed (and deeply pained) when I got the first e-mail back. Where the happiness came from should be obvious. The pain however came from realizing how many years had been wasted...b/c it seems that the friend I had been missing, had been missing me too. So, after beating myself up emotionally for a few days, I decided to just get on with things, and be grateful that it didn't take 30 years (I've still got a few good years in me yet, I figure).
Little A continues to amaze us. Before P left for his business trip to the U.S. of A., she did her first independent jump (which of course P commanded her to do in the middle of the cobblestone road, so no big surprise when she landed on her butt...but she was okay). That same night she had her first 'skinned knees' (*no flesh was actually 'skinned' but little A cried, and there was a little bit of bruising the following day). She now has 8 teeth (and more coming), says the word 'yellow', can identify the colours: blue, yellow and purple and within the last week has become a bit of a biter (thankfully...she seems to be drawn to biting Malou the most...guess it's because P isn't home??). She also LOVES bugs and birds (which seem to be plentiful around here) and many a meal is interrupted by the screaming of 'buuhhhhhh' or 'biiiirrrhhhhh' (many times, not necessarily in that order), and has her very own 'cozy convertible' (ahhh...the ex-pat baby lifestyle).
Today, we joined Kindermusik. It's a 20 minute drive into the city...but seems like it will be a good thing to do once the weather gets unbearable. Everyone here is starting to talk about 'preparing' for the hot weather by finding 'indoor' activities to get involved in. Little A also seems to be a big fan of singing (among the songs she sings, we can easily pick out: pit-pat, what kind of day is it?, twinkle, twinkle, the alphabet song, and the 'hello' song from music with mummy...impressive...I know), so I'm happy to give her an outlet.
What else? Hmmm...I met a really nice lady in my complex, Neelofur. We managed to click instantly. We are the same age, and though she has two older children, her 'baby' is one month younger than little A. We've talked about friends, families, growing up, and have enjoyed several cups of tea together. The downside of this friendship is I met her b/c she is moving back to England with her family (and we bought a toddler bed from her). She just came over tonight too (she will be leaving the country tomorrow) and we had another cup of tea, and took some pictures. Sigh! Both of us keep saying 'if only....' But I wish her well back in her new 'old' life. Plus, I've got her contact information and have told her once she moves BACK to South Africa, we will all be coming to visit.

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