When it's the THIRD baby--you never remember how far along you are--at least I never do. According to this chart, I am almost 27 weeks along. So--almost 7 months...and now I don't feel so bad that a lady from Essex (we met at the breakfast buffet last Friday) told me that I looked really big for 5 months--which is how far along I told her I was.
Please note: that is definitely Peter's nose (again)
For the first time I have received FREE baby stuff at the doctor's office here. Things like formula samples and diapers come out of your ears when you are pregnant in Canada--but here--with N, there was nothing.
SO, I was very surprised to receive not just one, but TWO 'Congratulations' baby packs when I went for my check-up today. Opening it up, I discovered three pamphlets (one from Pampers which was completely in Arabic), a sample of Sudocrem and Palmers Cocoa Butter. Now who doesn't like FREE STUFF?
I also had a discussion with the Doctor about this package, as it was a free gift from the Dubai Health Authority. I wanted to know where my free gift from the Abu Dhabi Health Authority was. He laughed and told me that in his mind he compares Abu Dhabi and Dubai to Canada and the United States. One is really flashy and showy (Dubai), while the other one is more quiet and stable (Abu Dhabi). In the interests of not offending any of my American friends and family--I'll end his analogy there.
Baby 3 appears to be healthy and active. We have been keeping an eye on one of the kidneys, as it seems to be filled with a lot of fluid--but the general consensus is that the baby has to pee. Baby was moving and turning quite a bit, which the Doctor was happy to see, as the experience with N is keeping him vigilant. Baby 3 has a habit of being very modest, and arms, hands and feet are generally always obstructing us from getting a good view of the face. However, Dr. Marwan is always happy to oblige me (and my Daman Premiere Healthcare) with a 3D scan (for 400 aed), and tries to 'jiggle' the baby around a bit. His efforts generally get results.
Here is a look at what we can see (for those of you who might be a bit squeamish around 3D ultrasounds-I -understand they are not for everyone--please look away now).

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