Salam wa aleikum

....thanks for coming to read my blog.

I hope that you will enjoy keeping in touch with our lives, and that one day, you might even make the trek out to come and visit with us (**NB - VISA's upon arrival for Canadians once again!!).

Grab yourself a nice cup of tea (Make mine JTG's Blue Mountain, mixed with a hint of French Earl...but get something that suits your fancy), and let's catch up...

Monday, December 27, 2010

One year later...

We had a great time celebrating baby N's first birthday on December 17. We kept the event low key, and had a good time. Little A was the best hostess ever, and helped out with everything, including decorations, loot bags and cupcakes. She greeted people at the door and also ensured that nobody left without a goody bag, a petunia and a 'thank-you for coming'. I was so proud of her helpfulness--the green eyed monster has made very few appearances at our home, over this first year. We are very lucky!

And what an amazing year it has been. I am finally at a point with baby N where things are feeling hopeful--all the fears that were stirred up with his 'condition' are starting to settle. Seeing him laugh, play, sit, bounce--and work his way around a room, like a wriggly worm--fill my heart with joy. All the fears I had about a baby boy--crazy and keeping me on my toes and running me ragged off my feet--are now my dreams. And slowly--I see them becoming a reality. I feel so very blessed and lucky.

After the party, Peter and I crashed pretty hard. We were supposed to head out that evening to a Christmas soiree...but I could barely keep my eyes open, and was so relieved when he told me he couldn't handle the drive into the city and back, and so he had cancelled. The next day, we were both hit with some kind of flu-bug. Peter was so sick that he actually came home from work (a first I believe) and then went to the local medi-clinic to get medication and a doctor's note (which are required here for sick days).

Although I was feeling pretty awful myself--being pregnant I made due with Tylenol and Fisherman's Friend. Plus, it's not likely my 'employers' are going to give me time off--doctor's note or not. I relied on Malou's help as much as I could, but mostly little A and baby N just played around me, while I lay in a heap, with my eyes open (from time to time).

Suffice it to say--I haven't had a chance to make up Thank-you cards for all of our guests nor even to send out a Merry Christmas e-mail to all of our friends!!

It took Peter and I about a week to get back on our feet (we cancelled a Christmas eve dinner engagement and decided to treat ourselves to McDonald's!) and even now, the sound of phlegm-ridden coughing can be heard echoing in our villa. Sadly--as we are recovering--little A and baby N seem to be just starting to deal with this miserable cold!! I hope they will recover quickly and just get a weakened form of it.
Last night, A woke up with a mild fever. Today, she perfected the 'vampire cough' and has been coughing diligently into her arm. As much as I tried to keep her home and resting, she insisted on accompanying me out for groceries, where she commented on how one of the workers at the store was not coughing properly (as she now expects everyone to use their elbow or shoulder). Like N, A deserves a medal for her spirit when she is sick. Both of them continue to be easy-going and just play through it. Instead of a medal, I decided to get A another beta-fish. I am hopeful this one will last a lot longer than the others. This fish is a beautiful red colour and she has decided to name it "Christmas Fish" (or just Christmas for short).

The third pregnancy continues--I am still in a lot of on-going pain (but only when I sit, stand, lie down, walk or cough). I have a lead on a chiropractor who may be able to provide me with some temporary relief--now I just need to make the time to call for an appointment. As I can't take anything to help with the pain, I try to just not think about it--but it can be pretty disheartening and depressing to not be able to move your body in simple ways (like climbing stairs or rolling over). The other day I was reading to A before bedtime, and she wanted to 'snuggle' in her bed with me (usually we read from a seated position in mine). All went well--until it was time to get up. I had to get Peter to help me--but the pain!! And nobody wants their little ones to see them cry now, do they?? On the positive side, this baby seems very active and healthy--so just a few more months of pain, and hopefully it will all disappear as the relaxin hormone leaves my body!!

Brothers and sisters...let us pray...

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