So, I have started watching the old episodes of "Curb Your Enthusiasm." I quit watching because I found Larry to be a bit abrasive and unbearable at times. Watching it now, as a mom of three children, the character that I can relate to and empathize the most with, is LARRY. I really feel for him, as he manages to get himself out of one pickle and right into another. Amazing what kind of perspective you can get from motherhood!
We kicked the weekend off with an after-school trip to Yas Mall Debenhams (the final days of the sale and we needed knee high school socks--which I found!!). While in the store, they announced the Golden Hanger Contest, and with the help of a few friendly Kabayan, Mr. Pickle found the prize! He won 125 AED to spend, and bought himself and his sisters some new clothes. They are were all very excited.
Charlie Bucket |
I spent the weekend hunting for head lice (I think we nipped that problem in the bud). The kids were all pumped for a play-date with friends Friday (and I was pumped for them staying out of my hair so I could organize the second kitchen). I was doing little Magoo's hair when...wait a minute...what's that?...and that's how it went down. Four lice (and no eggs) later, we had all our heads inspected, treated and clear. Despite a few tears, we managed to have some fun with the treatments--we all did them, which was probably unnecessary as the rest of us didn't have any bugs or eggs...but it was expiring in was a sunk cost. The Nice Lice lady, and her
web-site helped me a lot--and I want to send props out to her in my home-town of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (I kind of feel like we are friends now). We did re-schedule our play-date and dinner plans though, and spent the afternoon playing Monopoly (which Mr. Pickle won).
Borrowed Uncle Ajay's moustache for the photo-shoot |
On Saturday we had swimming lessons and a drive to and from Dubai for Little A's dance competition. I do not enjoy driving to Dubai, but honestly, these dance performance are really enjoyable--great music and the time just flies by. Little A has become an amazing little dancer...she says that she would like to pick up some more let's see how that goes in the next term.
I would have liked to post a video here, but the lighting was quite poor for video and the school had a very strict rule about no phone video/ if I had Larry's chutzpah, I definitely would have had a video here to share. In hindsight, I am disappointed with myself.
It seems you can find pictures of her show
here though...they are so fast to upload them!
"Just two french braids and then twist them into a bun" |
With Ms. Amy after the show |
Peter has been out of town on a 'business trip' since last (Tuesday? Monday??)...a few days anyways. He flew into London, did some 'business' and then flew to New York yesterday where he will do more 'business'. Please don't misunderstand the quotes--I am purposely keeping his 'business' ambiguous...
My friend Iris painted this and sent me the picture this morning. I have shared it with 78 friends and now you...
This was the best Mother's Day present I got today. Magoo let me pull out this tooth for you can see she is beset with "shark-teeth" like her siblings. This one has been wobbling for months now, and today she took a deep breath, cried some wet tears, and let me take it out (which, as you can is so loose it could have been sneezed out!!).
Beautiful Smile! |
Happy Mother's Day!
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