I haven't gone anywhere. Yet, I have found that the words "free time" are virtually non-existent in my vocabulary these days (or perhaps they are just simply synonyms for the word "sleep"?). I find my world today to be very, very busy--with so little time for the computer (or myself for that matter). However, in an effort to keep my blog semi-up-to-date...here is a mini-summary.
November 25: I was very proud of myself on this date. We managed to do so very much. First off, Friday breakfast, followed by beach time, and a visit with my friend Sahar (who flew back to England the next morning). We came home, attempted (unsuccessfully) to have naps, before we headed out again to Luz and William's (I still have no clue who William is) 4th PIRATE themed birthday party EXTRAVAGANZA (seriously--all it was missing was camel rides). Suffice it to say, I was really DONE by 6:30 when we came home.
Our very our "Mitch" doing the Baywatch |
Smile-ah gets into things |
Costume made lovingly by mom |
The mermaid |
Costume assisted lovingly by Aunty Yang
The next 'big adventure' occurred at Sheikh Khalifa Medical City on December 6, as T N fasted in preparation to having his ears drained and his hearing tested by ABR. We were required to be at the hospital by 6:30, and his surgery was at 8:30 that morning (though, of course, it actually started later). My favourite memory will be the one of him sitting on the hospital bed as they wheeled him to the O/R. The nurse had put on a large 'shower cap' for him, and wrapped him in a heated blanket. He was delighted with the ride, and kept looking back at me and giggling. The mental picture I have of that is so very sweet, and I kick myself for having left my phone in the room.
Pre-op with papa |
My LEAST favourite memory--well, it's a tie--between watching the anesthesiologist try (very unsuccessfully) to find a vein (there was blood everywhere and finally they just used the mask and some gas to knock him out) AND having the doctor (who shall remain nameless as I would likely add some very unflattering expletives around his name) tell us that T N had moderate to severe hearing loss on both sides. Fortunately, the audiologist came out later and explained to Peter that the high and mighty doctor was INCORRECT, and that likely T N's hearing loss was minor, and quite possibly TEMPORARY (related to the ear infection that caused the ear fluid to build up in the first place).
Notice the different hospital smock? The first one probably had too much blood on it, and so they changed it in the O/R. |
Fortunately, at the Pre-Op appointment on Dec 4, T N learned to suck from a straw (for the first time!!). This helped me to not feel like "the world's worst mom" for not bringing him a bottle along to drink milk after the operation. This little guy drank apple juice from a straw, ate a cheese and lettuce sandwich, and had some ice cream and custard for dessert post-op--and he kept it ALL down! Good boy!
That week was like riding the Mindbender at West Ed...very emotional--but with a 'happy ending' (at least I think). So, now, T N is enrolled in a very intense speech therapy program, run out of a private clinic. He is going EVERY DAY, six days a week, for 45 minutes (which his therapist always turns into an hour or more).
Little A got bit by Pussy Willow (who got a little too playful). This added: take daughter to E/R at SKMC after waiting two hours in SEHA, b/c only the government hospitals carry the rabies vaccine. As she needs five doses, this has been another 'add on' to my calendar. Fortunately, her last shot will be on December 25 (isn't a vaccine booster what we ALL want for Christmas?).
Pussy Willow, current status: MIA |
Then, we held a second birthday celebration for T N. We decided to hold it a week early, as so many of our friends are disappearing for Christmas holidays by the 17th. The theme was GLOBAL, and I invited everyone to dress to reflect their heritage and where they were from. However, only a few people dressed up (thank-you Aunty Yang and Aunty Zana). As you can see from the pictures, Peter Smile-ah and I are emphasizing our Edmontonian roots (that is his old school Oiler jersey stripe in the background), while T N and Little A chose to focus on their Chinese background.
Can you see the cookie monster cupcakes I made??
A labour of love I tell ya.
This week, little A and I had dental appointments for cavities. I had a very bad experience (again) with nitrous oxide. It was really pleasant for a while, and then I just found myself sinking deeper and deeper. I started to get worried that I couldn't breathe, and thoughts of little A (who was watching Dancing Princesses on the sofa across from me) seeing my convulsing body roused me into requesting "Please turn off the nitrous" twice, in what I hoped was a very calm and relaxed voice. You see, I was having my treatment done first so little A could see going to the dentist wasn't scary.
I must have done something right, as she managed to have these two front teeth filled with only nitrous and Kung Fu Panda to entertain her. She also got to be snuggled by her mom throughout the entire procedure. Fortunately, she is one of the many people who can enjoy the pleasant effects of nitrous oxide. Unfortunately, she still has one more tooth to go, and we have to go back for it next week. I am still unsure how I will juggle this with T N's speech therapy appointment.
the BEFORE picture |
Today, I had to take little A to the hospital. She had been having what I will only describe as 'bowel movement issues' since yesterday. In fact, I put her back in a diaper just in case. This morning, four bowel movements in, when she started crying that her stomach hurt and she wanted to go to the doctor, I rearranged the speech therapy and took her to the hospital. However, at the hospital, she seemed to improve (as you can see from the picture below) and had a fun time playing with her glosses. The doctor mentioned that she was the fourth child she had seen that morning with this issue (it was only 10:15), and there was a virus going around. Let's hope she doesn't share this with T N and Smile-ah. As I type, she has been napping for over three hours...so, obviously her body is battling with something.

I learned that 9:30 is T N's ideal speech therapy time. When we finally made it there at 11:35, he would not sit and play. Though he had napped, he seemed tired and was definitely not receiving a gold star for cooperation. In his defense though, Neethu, his therapist, did keep him for 90 minutes--which is REALLY long for an almost-two year old (and pretty long for a 36 year old too). I know she thinks she is doing me a favour, as she wants to make our drive in worthwhile, but honestly, the work that she is doing with him is so much better than what they did at SKMC...45 minutes with her is really enough, as it is quality therapy time.
Smile-ah--is not smiling so much these days (yes--these pictures lie). She has been really fussy and wants to be carried around all the time. I think she is teething--but it has been going on for almost (over?) two weeks now...I am exhausted from terrible sleeps at night and NO sleeps during the day (seems that one of the three is always awake). There has been a lot of stress here, and a lot of time with Malou while I am running to and from appointments...so hopefully things will settle into a routine soon, and she'll settle back into her happy little self...I need some rest!!
1 comment:
I'm so glad you are back! I have been checking you know! But, my gosh, no wonder you've been gone for so long. You are one busy mother (literally). I remember what it was like with two little ones, never mind three. By the sound of it (and by the pictures), you are doing a great job. Don't be so hard on yourself! You do need time to yourself once in awhile. There is nothing wrong with that at all. :)
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