Salam wa aleikum

....thanks for coming to read my blog.

I hope that you will enjoy keeping in touch with our lives, and that one day, you might even make the trek out to come and visit with us (**NB - VISA's upon arrival for Canadians once again!!).

Grab yourself a nice cup of tea (Make mine JTG's Blue Mountain, mixed with a hint of French Earl...but get something that suits your fancy), and let's catch up...

Monday, January 12, 2009

Announcing the newest arrival....

Don't get too excited. Although many of the moms in my Bonnie Doon mom's group seem to have had baby number two, or are in the process of...we are still not in 'that' place.
However, we would like to welcome A's THIRD TOOTH into this world. The top right tooth made its way out of her gums sometime between the hours of 1 and 5:30 a.m. on January 4th....I know this b/c I was awake all those hours as A tossed and turned with discomfort. THAT'S when it all began: January 4th...if it's even possible, A's sleeping took a turn for the worse!!
Only one day earlier, we were at the Al Noor Hospital getting A's 18 month vaccination shots. I was asking the doctor whether we should be worried about these 'late' teeth. She told us we don't worry until the children are 2. Then we test for calcium deficiency. So...we don't worry, and out pops a third tooth!! Isn't life great?
The Al Noor Hospital was an...experience. Clean, beautiful, new, private, and very inefficiently run (at least on the weekends). We had booked an appointment with one doctor, and were ushered in to see another (which was apparently a mistake). Locals were showing up and getting appointments with 'our' doctor (which is probably why we got bumped). They were running the facility like a medi-clinic (although we got better, faster service at the 'medi-clinic' hospital we went to before so...hmmmm). Maybe that was just a weekend phenomenon...who knows. I am also questioning the health care system here a wee bit, as although A was measured and weighed, nobody did anything with the data other than to record it in her file. Is she overweight? Underweight? Too short? Not growing properly?? These are things new moms need to know. The doctor didn't even physically touch her. No checking out her heart, or examining her limbs. Nothing like our experiences with our dear Dr. Kantoch at the Allin Clinic back home. Sigh....we miss you Dr. Kantoch!!
We spent the weekend on a private island in the gulf, as part of P's company's team-building activities. Apparently, only the Shaikhs and their families are allowed on this island. I was very nervous about going for a full-day event with little A (especially with the teething and the lack of sleep) but she was marvellous. We had to get up very early (7-ish) and be at the boat launch for 8 (but we actually didn't leave until 9 am...apparently this misinformation was a way to insure that the locals would all be there on we, timely Canadians that we are had to sit around for an hour...grumble! grumble!). The boat ride was smooth, short and sweet. We travelled through multiple activities: camel riding (yes...I did it), horseback riding (no, I did not), shooting (you couldn't hold P back from this event!!), boat tour around the island (which I skipped in order to feed my daughter lunch), lunch (pretty so-so for me, the vegetarian), and then volleyball (chose to sit that one out too). The weather was perfect, and we got a bottle of honey as a parting gift. All-in-all, a very generous event. A was delighted to see the camels, and even got a picture on one. She loved the horses too, and was awed by the ostriches and emus (birds!birds!) we saw (although I think she got a bit nervous when that one ostrich almost broke our camera!!).
I have signed up A for a 'mommy and me' music group which is near by. I am trying to make an effort to get out with her more during the day, and to meet more people. There seem to be a lot of young moms in our area, but it is so hard to see them behind these seven foot high concrete fences we all have around our yards. That will be starting later this week.
Today's big event was 'coffee at Sharanis spa'. I was amazed to find a very modern and very western feeling spa in the midst of all this 'Arabia'. Sharon, the owner, has used Asian influences to build her wellness spa, which is 5 minutes away from my house. They offer a wide range of services: massage, ayurvedic treatments and mani-pedi's. She took a 12 bedroom villa and converted it into this luxurious day-spa. A and I loved our short time there, and we met some very nice ladies. I would like to go through all of the treatments...sort of like a a month or something...going to have to look into buying a membership.
This afternoon I am meeting another lady (who I've chatted with in an on-line forum called ''). She's going to be giving me some 'housekeeper keeping' advice. You'll notice that ours is not here yet...apparently you MUST go through an agency to get a housekeeper, and so all of our hard-work and just going to make less work and time-wasted for the agency we hire. Soon....hopefully she'll be here by month end.
Before I end this posting, I just want to say a special heartfelt thank-you to all of my friends who have made the effort and stayed in touch. Although I am working hard to make new friends (and is really 'work' to try and find venues to meet people when you are a simple 'housewife' like myself) my current friends, though very far away are so dear to my heart, and seriously irreplacable. I hope you know just how much I have loved every e-mail (even just the quick and short "thinking of you, busy as hell, miss you loads" ones) I have received from you. I cherish all the photo-updates (old-fashioned and on-line) and anybody who has had the time to 'chat' or 'skype' with just make it that much easier for P and I to be here, so far away, and trying something new. I could go on and those of you who have kept in touch (sniff!sniff!): thank-you!

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