Salam wa aleikum

....thanks for coming to read my blog.

I hope that you will enjoy keeping in touch with our lives, and that one day, you might even make the trek out to come and visit with us (**NB - VISA's upon arrival for Canadians once again!!).

Grab yourself a nice cup of tea (Make mine JTG's Blue Mountain, mixed with a hint of French Earl...but get something that suits your fancy), and let's catch up...

Monday, January 19, 2009

OY vey! The screaming...

Little A has found a new way to use her voice: screaming. There are screams when she wants milk, and screams when she wants up on the couch. There are screams when she is pulling on Phinn's hair (and he's obviously disgruntled about it). The scream is used to express so many emotions: glee, impatience, mischieviousness,'s very multi-purpose.
It's a very primitive vocalization, and it seems to be her new favourite sound!
Suffice it to say, it's not MY new favourite sound. I prefer it when she sings.
Not very much on the agenda for today. Just finished my book by Irshad Manji "The Trouble with Islam Today". What an excellent read! P was VERY concerned that I was having this book shipped over here with Santa Kathy at Christmas...he told me not to talk about this book with ANYONE that lives in this country. day out of 'desperate boredom' he picked this book up....and then the fight began: we had to schedule who got to read the book and when. It helped generate a lot of dialogue between us, and I was thrilled that he enjoyed it as much as I did (so...we still have things in common 15 years later). I have just finished the book, and now P is free to read it whenever/whereever he likes (though assuredly he will never take it outside of the villa..someone might SEE him!!). has been 15 years...P and I started our relationship in the fall of 1993, back when we were both taking our undergraduate degrees at the U of A. It really seems a bit of a 'rip-off' to be celebrating our fifth wedding anniversary, when the actual time we've committed to each other is so much greater (and I'm sure the gift for 15 years is WAY better than the gift for five...).
Very gray and gloomy today. We were supposed to go to Marina Mall, but I think I got about four hours of sleep total last night, and didn't feel safe operating 'heavy machinery' with my 'baby on board'.
We've also put our landscaping 'on hold'. We dropped in on Urooj last night (the first time I formally met her...she's Z's wife...Z is this high-powered attorney who works til 8:30 or so at night...and who NEVER has any free time to visit, as we've discovered being his neighbour for three months now), and as we have the same style villa, she invited us to have a look at her landscaping. She mentioned to P that Total (who we had booked for this morning) was a rip-off, and she highly recommended these other fellows (Abu Dhabi Landcaping) who are about 4000AED cheaper. Not only was there a price differential, but apparently the plants you get from these second guys are larger, and seem heartier (as evidenced by others we know who went with Total and are having grass-growing issues). So, we've got the Total guys 'on hold' while we get a quote from ADL this afternoon. Too bad we didn't drop in on Urooj sooner!! I even got invited over for COFFEE!!

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