Our inaugural visit to Mushrif Mall Lulu
Looks like Baby N was just waiting til we came home to our un-carpeted, hard, cold and unforgiving ceramic tiled floors before he decided to take his first wobbly steps around. I can't describe how my heart smiled watching him take six (or more) shaky steps in my direction, while he was playing in his bedroom just before bed-time. He was super-excited, and he was more trying to run than walk. Since then, he's been attempting to walk around more and more, and is getting better at balancing himself before he starts moving. Just one less thing to worry about!!
On another note, looks like Peter has just had a newsflash--being VEGETARIAN is a healthy lifestyle choice. He picked up a copy of "The Food Revolution" by John Robbins, and is now filling my ears with all the reasons that I should...umm...become vegetarian?? give up meat??? I'm not sure what his intention is, but every so often I hear him come out with another 'pro-vegetarian' comment, and I just have to give my head a shake. Perhaps he has forgotten that he is singing to the choir...?

It seems that we have recovered from the jet-lag and now I just need Malou to return from her holidays, so that our lives can get back to normal. Her replacement is...umm.. VERY sweet, kind, happy and plays great with the kids. However, she has really made me appreciate the helper that I have.

Beep! Beep!!
We made a trip out to Mushrif Mall yesterday. This is the mall that is soon to be home to Abu Dhabi's ONLY Tim Horton's (there is much excitement on the chat forums from Canadians who need their fix of double-double). We were VERY lucky to find this CARt waiting for us in the (poorly laid out) parking lot, as it seemed to be the only one in the entire store. The store was quite busy, but we (I) decided that for the extra bit of driving, this Lulu is NOT worth the trip. I will stick with my own Lulu at Mazyad Mall.