Salam wa aleikum

....thanks for coming to read my blog.

I hope that you will enjoy keeping in touch with our lives, and that one day, you might even make the trek out to come and visit with us (**NB - VISA's upon arrival for Canadians once again!!).

Grab yourself a nice cup of tea (Make mine JTG's Blue Mountain, mixed with a hint of French Earl...but get something that suits your fancy), and let's catch up...

Monday, May 14, 2012


Last week, N went in for another kick at the can to clarify what kind of hearing issue might exist. Unfortunately, he is an OX, and the oral sedative he took didn't work.  He was extremely disoriented and groggy, but he would not sleep.  Probably from the you can see from the picture above, he was pretty scared to be back in the hospital again.

We took this picture on our drive to Dubai last weekend.  This is a moment of sheer bliss in my world--all three amigos asleep at once (and awwww...their heads are all flopping in the same direction as well). 

Little A shared her crown with her little sister.  Surprisingly, Smile-ah decided that she liked the look and feel of the crown, and kept in on for a very long time.  It certainly suits her, and is likely a symbol of things to come.  

A little 'tea party' at our house, with milk and chocolate graham bunnies.  It is really hard to get pictures of all three of them together (especially where all three look relatively normal).

We decided to retire the Lulu special "Hapy Birthday" banner.  I picked it up for our first Abu Dhabi birthday celebration (which would be Peter's).  Just to point out, it was missing a "P" when I pulled it out of the every birthday celebration was marked "Abu Dhabi style" minus a "P".  

Free bananas:  I took these two monkeys with me for a quick errand this morning:  develop some pictures at the pink shops and then mail some letters.  Of course, the 'quick errand' took about 2 hours bc:
1.  I didn't put the pics on the USB key as I thought (I knew I should have doubled-checked it)
2.  The photoshop (Famous Castle Studios) had to print my pictures TWICE as a mysterious line cropped up in the middle of half of the photos.
3.  I ran into a fellow Canadian friend at the post-office and ended up chatting with her for a few minutes.

Thank-you to my friends at Abu Ali, who supplied my children with these free bananas to keep their tummies from rumbling.

I have just come home from my first Zumba class.  I am going to withhold making judgements...but a few of my thoughts are:
1.  vaselino---what the hell is vaselino and how can someone make a whole song about it?
2. Someone should run a strip-dance class here, bc there is some money to be made from the local population.  The enthusiasm I saw--I had to duck and swerve a few times to ensure that I didn't get knocked out. 
3.  Breast implants--wow!  I didn't realize that they were so common among the local ladies.  I thought the koran prohibited altering yourself, because it was a sin to change what God had created?  I could be wrong though...I am no scholar of Islam, and my eyes glaze over whenever I here someone start a conversation with "Just how much do you actually know about Islam...?" (the ellipsis implies that this is the opening line of what is going to be a VERY long conversation).
4.  The music was loud...really LOUD.  I couldn't even hear the instructor's commands.
5.  Good workout though.  Good cardio...let's see how I feel tomorrow, and if any digits move on the scale.  

Am I getting old?  That can't be true...there has got to be some other explanation.  

Blobmosis is crap.  I quit after seven days when the foot reflexologist that my friend Yang took me to told me there was something seriously wrong with my stomache.  Could it be all the protein and no grains???  Hmmmmmmmmmmmm....................

So, back to my trusted friend:  Weight Watchers (and thank-you, once again, Payroll Patti).  

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