Salam wa aleikum

....thanks for coming to read my blog.

I hope that you will enjoy keeping in touch with our lives, and that one day, you might even make the trek out to come and visit with us (**NB - VISA's upon arrival for Canadians once again!!).

Grab yourself a nice cup of tea (Make mine JTG's Blue Mountain, mixed with a hint of French Earl...but get something that suits your fancy), and let's catch up...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First Contact

Granted, the bulk of my swimming experience with little A happened from January to March (her Starfish swimming class at the Kinsmen), I am finding that swimming in AD is a completely different experience. Not even taking into account all of the bundling up that used to happen before we left the premises...

In Edmonton, I used to pack up my little one, and head off. In the locker area, I was joined by all the other moms and their little ones (often more than one little one) and we all tried to get babies out of clothes and into swim gear as fast as we could. Then there was the cold shower (the ritual cleansing before the chlorine dip), and off to the warmed training tank for some fun in the water.

Pretty much the same here...except, no requisite cold shower, and instead of moms (or rather 'mums'), I am finding myself predominantly in the company of nannies. And this isn't the solely the 'locals' either. Today, I ran into three mums from little A's playgroup, all of whom were accompanied by their nannies. While the mums swam their laps in the Olympic size pool, the babes were trussed into swim gear and led out to the baby pool, by their nannies. By the time most of the mums arrived at the baby pool to play, little A and I were on our way out, as I generally keep our swim time to 30 minutes (that's enough to make little A's skin wrinkled and raisin-like). Just an judgements...perhaps one day I will show up at the pool with Malou. Only time will tell.

I did receive a very warm reception from a three to four year old local boy (today was obviously a busy day at the pool, as we usual have the entire place to ourselves). I have seen this little boy before (with his dad...on the 'ladies only day'). He has a younger brother (about a year younger I think...minimum 10 months!!). Well, as little A and I were about to leave the baby pool, he waded over to me, and...wait for it...extended his hand for a handshake. I was a bit shocked at first, as I think this is the first 'contact' I have had with a local...but within nanoseconds I regained my poise, and shook his hand happily. This apparently made his day, as he gave me a big grin and then waded away, with further hand gestures (which I took to be filled with kindness and love). I don't believe he spoke a word of English...but I'm sure we'll have more future interactions, now that the ice has been broken.

P came home from work with 'chills' and has been bed-ridden ever since. So, he's called it an 'early night' (I believe he's been asleep since 4:30 pm). After feeding little A her dinner (absolutely no fruit would go down tonight, no matter how much ice cream I tried to hide it under), I sent her off to bed. I believe she was quite tired from the swimming, so that likely helped to send her off to dreamland. Today, she sat on my dressing table stool, and sang a song about sweet was very long--and absolutely darling. I hope she's having some sweet dreams (and continues to have them all the way to 6:30 in the morning).

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