Salam wa aleikum

....thanks for coming to read my blog.

I hope that you will enjoy keeping in touch with our lives, and that one day, you might even make the trek out to come and visit with us (**NB - VISA's upon arrival for Canadians once again!!).

Grab yourself a nice cup of tea (Make mine JTG's Blue Mountain, mixed with a hint of French Earl...but get something that suits your fancy), and let's catch up...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

"I love it...!"

This is little A's other newest phrase. She loves everything: her robe, her Phinny, her Dora, her play doh...she's all about the love.

Sigh...if only we were ALL like that!

Had a great visit with my friend Sharon, back from her three weeks in the UK, with the elder two back in school. Little A enjoys Grace quite a bit, so it's nice and easy to have 'play dates' with our girls (she is within walking distance).

Little A slept until 7 a.m. this morning, and was JUST waking up as I went to check on her. Unfortunately, she did not sleep for the rest of the day. After listening to 'mommy where ARE you?' for 20 minutes, I gave up and brought her back downstairs.

We went to Dubai this afternoon for my morphology scan. She had a little nap in the car, but woke up when we hit the city limits. We got stuck in some terrible traffic, which P insists no longer exists in Dubai. However, neither of us could figure what was causing the jam, as suddenly it just cleared and all the lanes started flowing.

The ultrasound was very exciting. So very different from back home. First off, my obgyn, Dr. Yuliya (the fetal ultrasound expert) performed it, and she showed us all of the items she was checking for. It's amazing how she could identify so many different things. Our little baby is so active and was moving and kicking the entire time. He also kept his face covered with either his hands or his feet quite a bit.

Dr. Yuliya did not see any soft markers for Down's, and didn't see any need for me to have an amnio done. However, she said that she would perform one for me, at my request, if I felt the need. Also no cleft palate or any other abnormalities. She says the baby is actually measuring 22 weeks, and pushed our due date to January 9, 2010. I feel that possibly this will be another small baby, and that we're still likely to have him in the end of December. But...I'm not the professional. And the baby will arrive whenever nature calls him forward.

Little A was excellent during the scan. She sat and watched Blue's Clues on my cell phone. She showed minimal interest in the scan, though I saw her watching the wand on my uterus closely. She was probably afraid that she had one of those 'babies' in her belly too!!

I really enjoyed watching the baby yawning. That was cute!

Unlike little A's 3-D ultrasound, where we could clearly predict that she would have her daddy's nose...this little guy is a mystery. We have received a cd with pictures and a full report (which we have not looked at yet). We will check it out tomorrow, when we all have some more energy.

Got home kind of late, and after a junky meal of banana bread, a few McD's fries, and then some pasta pieces at home, little A is done for the night. So am I. Just wanted to sit with my thoughts and memories for a bit before heading off to get ready to sleep.

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