Salam wa aleikum

....thanks for coming to read my blog.

I hope that you will enjoy keeping in touch with our lives, and that one day, you might even make the trek out to come and visit with us (**NB - VISA's upon arrival for Canadians once again!!).

Grab yourself a nice cup of tea (Make mine JTG's Blue Mountain, mixed with a hint of French Earl...but get something that suits your fancy), and let's catch up...

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Pappa eat some stinky fish

This is something that little A says, that cracks us both up. She says it whenever she reads her 'chinese noodle' (aka "Chinese New Year") lift-a-flap book. This is one of her FAVOURITE books! She is a very smart and funny little monkey.

Not sure if I've mentioned how she has developed a love for the 'sleepers'. It is quite painful, as she wants to wear them all day long--even when we go out. Also, because it is so warm here, she actually only has four sleepers that, they are all in rotation right now. Currently, she is sleeping in her 'red' sleeper (at her request).

This morning little A and I took Phinn out for his first 'fall' walk. At 6:20 a.m., the weather was actually nice, with a little breeze (about 30 degrees or so I think). We didn't want to wear him out (he hasn't been walking in months) so we brought him home about ten minutes later. I should clarify that I was the ONLY one who didn't want to wear him out...little A wanted him to walk around the entire complex with us...but I convinced her it was in everyone's best interest to take him home, give him some water, and let him cool down. After a few tears (not mine or Phinn's), we left him at home, and went for round two of our stroll.

It was nice to run into my neighbour, Shawn, in the park. We met, as most dog people do, through the dogs. Harry (Shawn's dog) is very well-behaved, and he takes him to play fetch in the park in the mornings. Although Shawn has been around all summer, I haven't seen him at all. This is what happens to 'neigbhourhood friendships' in the summer heat of Abu Dhabi. So, I have invited him over for a visit, once her returns from his safari to Botswana in two weeks.

We spent the afternoon at the pool again. I was happy to discover another route (thanks to my gps) to get to the Officer's Club, without having to contend with the major traffic of 'the island'. As usual, we had the pool all to ourselves. Unfortunately, they forgot to turn on the heaters in the baby pool (I minded more than little A...she couldn't have cared less), and as nobody had been in the pool all day, they hadn't discovered this error.

We are also still up in the air wrt our housing. I have put in a request with 'the boss' that we have SOME knowledge of what we are doing by October 1 (it's always good to have a deadline).

The newest Lieu is doing well (or so it seems). I have learned that he is not into 'late eating' and prefers for us to stick to our early dinner schedule. The last two evenings we've been invited out for dinners, which were later than our usual 5:30 meal...and I haven't slept well the last two nights. I am very excited about our ultrasound scan on Tuesday. It seems that they make a dvd of the entire scan, which is then ours to keep (it's common practice here)...I remember that sort of thing cost a pretty penny back in Canada. I'm praying that everything will look great, and there will be no need to follow up with an amnio.

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