The rest of the little ones are doing well. Little A accompanied me to the pink shops this morning (another one of those quick runs while the other two siblings were both expected to be asleep for at least another hour). We managed to accomplish a lot--and I even held strong in my resolve to not by Little A any 'extras' when we shop (things are so cheap here--both in cost and quality--sometimes it's just not worth the fight).
We had a lot of tears, and a refusal to buckle up into her car-seat (which I countered by offering to call a taxi to drive her home, b/c in my car she had to be strapped in). This worked, but she 'didn't like' me after that (and we went through Abela with her not liking me).
When we got home, she had worked through her dislike of me, and we were okay again. Then she had a bout of stomache cramping and diarrhea (which I am attributing the marshmallow 'snack' she had this morning--before breakfast). The diarrhea always works in my favour as it's generally not serious, but reinforces to her that she needs to drink more liquids, get more rest and eat more HEALTHY FOOD.
We had some ladies from Peter's office come by today to meet NB S. I baked butter tart squares and Helen's Microwave Brownies (which weren't as tasty as the last time I made them). However, our guests seemed to enjoy them, and we enjoyed our visit. We actually got to visit, b/c all three of our little ones were asleep at the same time (for part of it) and Phinn had a bone to keep him occupied. They kept commenting on how quiet our house was, considering we had three children.
NB S continues to grow and delight us. She is a big talker, and very smiley and friendly. Generally, she only fusses if she is hungry or uncomfortable (gas or poo). She likes to play in her butterfly garden and is now kicking and catching all the bells. Both baby N and little A adore her. It is sweet to see baby N try to control his clumsy hands to try and be 'gentle' with her.
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