Salam wa aleikum

....thanks for coming to read my blog.

I hope that you will enjoy keeping in touch with our lives, and that one day, you might even make the trek out to come and visit with us (**NB - VISA's upon arrival for Canadians once again!!).

Grab yourself a nice cup of tea (Make mine JTG's Blue Mountain, mixed with a hint of French Earl...but get something that suits your fancy), and let's catch up...

Monday, August 6, 2012

Surgery TODAY: Day Two of Two

At 8:00 a.m check-in
Yesterday, after waiting six hours for surgery, and having the surgeon come out and tell me it would still be two more--I decided to call it.  Nikhil was starving and tired--and I was very tired myself.

Fortunately (?) they were able to reschedule for today (with a different surgeon) and an earlier time (if they were on time that is).

A charitable fellow--N kept asking for "MORE" money to drop in the box
It is a very hard thing to bring your small child into the hospital to be sedated and operated on.  The words 'minor surgery' do nothing to alleviate the distress that I am feeling.

I took Oliver in for 'minor surgery'--teeth cleaning--and he never woke up from the anesthesia.  He never showed any distress during the procedure, and it was only afterwards the nurse noticed that he wasn't coming out of it.  This was extremely traumatic for me.  At that time, and even today--he is probably the being that I have loved the most and lost.

Through the looking glass
I overheard a nurse say to one family (who were waiting behind a curtain with their small child) "they have been waiting for you in the or for 1/2 hour!".  It was only later that I put together that it was likely this nurse's (laziness? Incompetence?) mistake that delayed us.  Did she think the family should intuitively know when to prepare and go to the or?

I have been close to tears many times.  Sometimes they have overflowed. My stomache is in knots--this waiting is very difficult.

With Clifford
I have been reading a little about Anita Moorjani and her NDE (near death experience) and what she feels she knows now about the world.  It is a beautiful thing to believe--that we are always surrounded by love--we just have to open ourselves up to it.  That we control everything in our lives...and we have the power, through our energy to create whatever we want.

Ready to roll (to the OR that is)


1.  I want Jino to tell me that the initial abr was inaccurate and that there is  nothing to be concerned about wrt n's hearing ability.

2.  I want the surgeon to tell me that they found n's testicles and that they are perfect in size and perfectly healthy.  He has done a very good job of implanting them in the scrotum and it is the best work he has ever done.  He can also see that n's scrotum will stretch out and accommodate its new residents.  He will also tell me that n's are the most beautiful privates ever and that he will grow up and never be teased about them (why are children so cruel??) bc they will look so awesome!

3.  N will wake up from the surgery and eat and just be his usual good-natured self.  His body (with the mutant healing gene he inherited from me) will already be healing.  He will want sleep, food, drink and a snuggle. Then he will want his sisters and to go home, which we will do promptly.

N was very difficult to rouse post-op

Codil--baby epidural
 So, I am leaving the fears I have and am looking forward to all this.  The fear is really making me tired...even after what qualifies as a 'good night' of sleep in my world, I have had the world's worst cup of coffee--bc I need to drive home later.

Apple juice:  cup or box?

So--here I am--breathing and focusing on what I want.  A happy and healthy son...

 (as I type dr soliman has come out and informed me that all went well and now n is having his hearing test.).  Apparently the right testes required a top and bottom incision by the left one only required a bottom incision.  He also thinks the scrotum will grow and stretch out in time. Bless--keep breathing....

12:57: now Jino, the audiologist has told me that my son (who was told he needed hearing aids in December) has normal hearing.  This is amazing news--what I was afraid to hope for--and it is true and real.  What we all felt (n had normal hearing) has finally been confirmed.

I am just waiting for him to wake up now in recovery.

...Still sleepy waiting for prescription

A big thank you to the universe for all the gifts I have received today.
Sent from my iPhone  

A made this 'get-well soon' gift for N

I am home now--we arrived back just before six.  It has been a really long day, and I feel drained.  N is STILL sleeping (he has woken up on and off, and we will wake him shortly to feed him, change him and medicate him).
I feel like I used a lot of my energy up today.  I would like to think that I gave it up to create all this magic today.
Hopefully I can recharge tonight.  If not, tomorrow is just a low-key 'at home' day.  I am sure all the children will be so happy to see each other and play together.  I look forward to watching them love one another.

I am not liking how blogger has highlighted some of my post (the part I wrote in an email to myself from the hospital, bc I wanted to channel my thoughts positively).  At the very least, it will differentiate the writing of this particular entry.


Aum said...

Such a trooper!

Donna said...

Nikhil is such a wonderful, special little guy! As he gets stronger, so do you! You are a great mama!