Salam wa aleikum

....thanks for coming to read my blog.

I hope that you will enjoy keeping in touch with our lives, and that one day, you might even make the trek out to come and visit with us (**NB - VISA's upon arrival for Canadians once again!!).

Grab yourself a nice cup of tea (Make mine JTG's Blue Mountain, mixed with a hint of French Earl...but get something that suits your fancy), and let's catch up...

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Dear Universe...

Are you effing (with a capital F) with me?

I took Pickle in for his blood test on November 29.  I waited--scared, anxious--patiently, for two months.  I called the hospital on Monday, to discover the lab results were back, and surprise!  nobody had bothered to call me.  Though I was informed that either the doctor (who only is available Mondays and Thursdays) or the nurse could give me the results, when I finally got through to the nurse (after one disconnection and another re-route through the switchboard), she told me only the doctor could tell me the test results.  She said she would take a message and that he would call me back later that day, or on Thursday.  So, I waited again...all the time TRYING to stay positive and channel my energy, and the energy around me to get the results I wanted.
This morning, I called again, and the doctor picked up on the first ring (shocking!).  He took my details and promised to call me back.  Which he did.  Only, the news he gave me was that they had run the WRONG test on my little Pickle.  Instead of running the follow-up test, as we had discussed, they in fact REPEATED the old test.

I guess the good news is that the test results were consistent with the first test.  Still negative.

However, I am still left feeling a bit like my head might explode...the big pressure system has not actually been has nowhere to go!

So--I gotta ask...WTF??

Is this a case of "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!", and so you are trying to let me live in my la-la-land where my son just has a few delays and is going to grow out of them?

Or are you just giving me more time to channel my energy better to create the result I want?  Perhaps my efforts of the last two months weren't enough...

Either way--message received.  I will work harder and focus more on receiving another NEGATIVE report from the hospital (on the new test that Pickle will be giving blood for in the upcoming week).  I will NOT allow worry to creep into my heart or mind.  I will be sure that all of these experiences were just that...experiences to grow from.

I will worry when I have something to worry about.


Yesterday little A was so very proud of the cookie that she iced in class.  It was a digestive biscuit, and she had used yellow icing and alphabet sprinkles.  She was soooo proud that she kept jamming it into my already full hands, while I was talking to the new dad in the class (doing my classroom mom duties).  I asked her politely to stop and wait.  I showed her my full hands.  She just kept pushing it at me and WHOOPS!  It flew off the plate and crumpled into bits on the floor.

She was sad.  So was I.  She didn't cry at all though--THAT'S my girl.

When we got home, I whipped out the icing from the fridge (the one that I know little kindergarten students haven't sneezed, coughed or licked), added a drop of red, and she was such a happy big sister, mixing it up and icing cookies for her siblings.

Digestive biscuits have never tasted
quite so good before!

The weekend is coming.  Peter is flying off to KL with Uncle Ajay, and the kids and I will celebrate Chinese New Year without him (honestly--he's not THAT big a contributor to the celebration anyways!).  On Saturday we will go to the Shangri-La and see the Lion Dance (which has become a tradition for us).  My friend Yang will come and make dumplings on Sunday--and it will be lovely.

I love the weekends.  This will be an especially easy and lazy one.

1 comment: said...

Oh Anu, I can understand your frustration with the hospital. But as usual your attitude rises to the challenge; I love your positivity and the whole "I can't change what happens to me, but I can change the way I react to it" perspective. Woohoo for another Negative and fingers crossed for the next Negative!
Great job on the cookies Amara, I'll have to try this one with Amelia. She loves cooking and yesterday made a caramel peanut slice. Unfortunately there's only half a slice left now. (It was a big hit)