Salam wa aleikum

....thanks for coming to read my blog.

I hope that you will enjoy keeping in touch with our lives, and that one day, you might even make the trek out to come and visit with us (**NB - VISA's upon arrival for Canadians once again!!).

Grab yourself a nice cup of tea (Make mine JTG's Blue Mountain, mixed with a hint of French Earl...but get something that suits your fancy), and let's catch up...

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The good, the bad and the ugly...


1.  This young man joined us in the world this week.  Welcome baby Tien-Le (son of my friend Yeen)!  Little A and I went over (our maiden voyage to Al Reef) and visited him today.  He is adorable, and it is so crazy how quickly I have forgotten how teeny and precious a newborn baby is. 

2.  Today I managed to unload some of the weight (unfortunately--I am speaking metaphorically) that I have been carrying.  The expression goes that "God only gives us what we can handle."  In my experience, I find that the Universe not only gives you what you can handle, but also sends you people to help you on your journey.  Today, I managed to unload to my new friend Samar (who I met through little A's school, on her assessment day).  I felt so much better after talking to her, as I was able to talk through all of the little bits that had been troubling me.  

3.  Aumi is feeling better.  Heading in to round 2 of chemo treatments.  Look how beautiful she is!  Having no hair helps her smile to stand out just that much more.  

4.  I found these fuzzy peaches (from Turkey) in Lulu this week.  Surprisingly, they are juicy and sweet.  They reminded me of the peaches that used to get trucked into Forestburg when I was little (Fresh BC Peaches).  I was delighted to see N with a bowl, juice dripping down his chubby hands.  

1.  I have to write my first "Goodbye, I love you" letter to my friend Kim.  Peter is flying out on Friday morning.  I have no idea how to write something like this, or even how to begin.  I cannot imagine a world where he no longer exists.  I will just write from the heart.  

I have three 'friends' here in Abu Dhabi (see how that word is in quotation marks) who are currently not returning my text messages, picking up the phone when I call, or responding to my emails.  How old AM I??

I have seriously considered what I might have done to warrant such treatment, and can't come up with anything worthy of this kind of disregard.  Obviously, there is something that I have done, that I am completely unaware of, but then, wouldn't the right thing to do be to bring it to my attention so that I could address it?  Since I am unable to get in contact with any of them, I am unable to ask the question 'have I offended you in some way?' myself (and because I am not 8, I don't feel like sending an intermediary on my behalf).

I would be lying if I said it didn't bother me to be treated this way.  I am 37 years old, pretty much keep to the company of myself, my family and the few true friends I have made here, and go out of my way to avoid confrontation as much as possible.  My mom always told me to be nice to everyone.  This doesn't mean that I need to be 'besties' with everyone that I meet, but it does mean that I smile, act friendly and RETURN phone calls and text messages.

I have known all three of these ladies for the entire time that I have lived here, and have been friendly with them all (closer at some times than others).  I have been told in the past that I am an 'ungrateful' person, and that I take people's generosity for granted.  Nobody likes to think of themselves this way (and believe me--I did some surveys and self-analysis after I received that feedback).  At that time, I came to the conclusion that those comments reflected the state of the person from which they originated more than they did me.  I think that I will have to come to a similar conclusion here, as I write off these 'friendships' as 'their loss'.

MORE GOOD (b/c why end on an UGLY NOTE??)

We have had "Jake the Snake" this week.  We have been trying to come up with "Photo Opps" so that it looks like we have a very exciting lifestyle (here we are at the school library, where little A and I go almost every day to get a book).  Look at Magoo in the background--I can't believe she kept her hat on the whole time!  I also spent an hour in A's class this morning (after a lovely breakfast with Samar), and I have to say "HATS OFF" to Ms. Kathryn, Anne Marie, and all the other K-teachers of the world!!

Pickle, Magoo and I went to Zayed Sports City to play (I's a little late in the game for me to become part of the Abu Dhabi Mums group).  They had a great time once again.  We will have to make this a weekly event.
Graduate of the Britney Spears Driving School


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