Salam wa aleikum

....thanks for coming to read my blog.

I hope that you will enjoy keeping in touch with our lives, and that one day, you might even make the trek out to come and visit with us (**NB - VISA's upon arrival for Canadians once again!!).

Grab yourself a nice cup of tea (Make mine JTG's Blue Mountain, mixed with a hint of French Earl...but get something that suits your fancy), and let's catch up...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Ho hum...

Yesterday morning, as P left for work, A and I headed for a stroll along the Corniche. For the first time, the breeze had a cool tinge in it. It was sensational!! It only lasted for about 20 minutes though--by 7:15, it was warming up already. Instead of walking south, we opted to go north along the gulf. We passed the ADIA building (which always make me think of our friend Neeraj), which is shaped liked billowing sails (thank-you to josephms, for this photo..I will put my own up shortly). I thought to myself just how much like Vegas this place really is because although things look so close, they are in fact, quite a bit of a hike away.

As always, I was impressed by the cleanliness of the Corniche. The workmen were already out, sweeping the debris, picking up garbage and washing the tiles of any yuckiness from the previous evening. They really like A, and are always trying to get her to smile or wave at them. I am always unsure (as I have this fear drilled into my head by MANY the forefront of whom is my mother: WE ARE IN AN ISLAMIC COUNTRY) as to whether I should smile, or even be making eye-contact with these men, less it be misconstrued as being offensive...or perhaps even suggestive. WHERE ARE MY SUNGLASSES???? I have always just offered a friendly smile, with an averted far so good.

Back on the way to our hotel, we managed to coax a stray cat over for a scratch. There were two, a tabby and a white and marmalade coloured kitty. Of the two, only the tabby, perhaps sensing my kindred spirit and love for the tabbies, came over. They both had the notched ears, indicating that they were free to wander, as they had already been fixed by the local animal authorities. They were both smaller in stature, and slimmer, with coarser hair than our North American felines. Both A and I are missing our four-legged friend, Phinn. But, no villa equals no we'll just have to wait a bit longer.

Yesterday I felt as though my cold was getting a second wind. It was all I could do to keep A busy until P got home from work. I didn't want to nap (although I was certainly exhausted) as I was afraid maybe the naps were interfering with my night sleeping. Just before lunch, A and I went for a swim in the pool (our private pool really, as it's usually just the two of us in there). When we returned to our room, she had her lunch and went for a long siesta. She was still sleeping by the time P came home around 3:30.

I love that btw. P is now home so much earlier!! I don't know if this will change, but that was part of the sales pitch he delivered to me for moving out here. P would have more time to spend with us. So far so good (and he is working really hard to kick his developing addiction to Tiger Woods Golf on the PSP).

And, heading off in a totally new direction: let's talk about the food. So far, we have been able to find everything we need, and though some things taste a bit different, for the most part, it has been great. Baby food has been a bit of a challenge...A is still eating jarred food (feel free to keep your judgements to yourself please), and I can't seem to locate a whole lot of vegetables that aren't orange...we've had Pumpkin and sweet corn (orange), Carrots (orange) and Sweet Potato (you get where I'm going with this). I will find more food...just give me some time (and when i get my villa...just get me a blender).

Also, two words for you: Apple Pear. Seems to be a very popular fruit around here. Every few days housekeeping shows up with a plate of fruits for us, and the apple pear is always represented. Now, for me, not an apple lover...I found myself resisting the apple pear...but yesterday, I got a bit desperate for a snack...and we had NOTHING but this fruit, I did it. I cut into the apple pear, and let's just say: today, i am eating my SECOND apple pear.

It seems the UAE Food Guide (or whatever you call it over here) is only recommending 5 servings of Fruits and Veggies (as read in Dubai's prominent and free AQUARIUS magazie...compared to Canada's 10-12 that's quite a difference). I guess I'm only 4 apple pears away from meeting my daily quota!!

Finally: HELLO GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP!! I was actually WOKEN UP by the call to prayer (between 4:30 am and 5 am) instead of waiting around for it to come. This must mean that I slept through the whole night (with little feeding sessions with A...but I'm only half-awake during that anyway). This is a first for me, which is probably why I'm feeling so much better today! A also slept in til about 7 (which is why we were a little late heading out for our walk to the Corniche).

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