Salam wa aleikum

....thanks for coming to read my blog.

I hope that you will enjoy keeping in touch with our lives, and that one day, you might even make the trek out to come and visit with us (**NB - VISA's upon arrival for Canadians once again!!).

Grab yourself a nice cup of tea (Make mine JTG's Blue Mountain, mixed with a hint of French Earl...but get something that suits your fancy), and let's catch up...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Pictures (at last!)

This morning, as we were walking along the Corniche at 6:45 a.m., I thought of my friend Jaylene (yes you!), and how living here would be perfect for her and Lady (her dog). Jaylene wakes up every morning around 5 a.m. (in Edmonton) to take Lady out for a l-o-n-g walk. Even in the winter!! Living here would be perfect for them, because the weather at that time is beautiful. As we walked so early, we were embraced by the warmth and humidity...I could feel the moisture droplets beading on my skin (about an hour later...they were sweat droplets...not quite so lovely).
A has been teething...but she has been a little trooper. Last night we used the famous 'Simpson' cocktail (Advil, Hylands teething tablets and baby Orajel, topped off with some of momma's homemade milk) because she was in so much agony from the teeth! She wasn't crying...just cranky, not sleeping and pushing her face into her blanket (I think to apply some pressure to her gums). She hasn't really ever taken to any of the teething toys we bought for her...but I noticed the other day, she found the USB key to be quite soothing. The crankiness also manifested itself, as A threw a remote control in my face ( hurt a lot) on Monday night. I had some swelling, but today I only notice the pain when I wash my face. I guess she wanted to share her pain with me...I feel it baby!
We were very adventurous at the Co-operative shopping market last night...I bought peanuts (testing them against the famous Soreya foods recipe) and cashews. The peanuts were lacking...too fresh!! The cashews, however were terrific!
Seems I have a new title here: the girl (tee-hee) from Edmonton. I ran into this gentleman in the hall this morning. I met his wife (Deborah from Cochrane) at the pool the other day (as A was admiring her floral swimsuit). He is here teaching a course (I believe I mentioned them in a previous blog). But he stopped me and said "Excuse me...but aren't you that girl from Edmonton that I met at the pool the other day?". Apparently Deborah has been hoping to run into me again!! Yeah!! My first friend (who will be heading back to Alberta in the next few days!!).
Frustrating morning. Tried to get some pics off my memory card...after waiting 20 minutes for them to download, I gave up. I tried to e-mail them to myself (which I also gave up on after watching g-mail 'still working' 10 minutes later). Surprise! Surprise!! When I opened my inbox three of the pictures are here!! They aren't much...but it's a start!
No big plans for today. We were invited to Abu Dhabi mom's group yesterday by Laura (who..technically might be my first friend...sorry Deborah from Cochrane). But, like my own mom's group meetings, we missed it because...wait for it...A was napping. She has also invited me today to the Hiltonia (some ritzy hotel??) for baby swim classes, but they are at 11..and A is sleeping. Basically, until A's nap pattern changes, we will basically miss out on any event that happens between 9:30 am and 12 noon. We do seem to manage to get out to the pool every afternoon around 2. A loves the water, and more so, she loves the people watching.
I am also finding it more and more challenging to get A to eat. I can't wait for my own table and her high chair (apparently the shipping container has been further delayed til October 19...or so they say). I have to give her so many extra things to keep her occupied, while I shovel food in her mouth. I bought these great bowls in Canada, with suctions cups at the bottom. When we get into our own place, I plan to put her in a chair, give her a spoon and just WALK AWAY...I think she'll enjoy the eating experience so much more that way!
This evening P has a business dinner. It will be his first...let's see how they go here (without the drinking late into the night...perhaps he'll be home early??).
I'm still optimistic that we'll be moving into the villa this weekend (but...tomorrow is our Friday...and...well...let's just stay positive). P has been saying 'a couple of weeks' since we arrived (a couple of weeks ago), and there doesn't seem to be any way of getting clarification, or speeding up this process.
In the meantime, I am missing my little Phinnaeus terribly!!
Enough from me...I'm going to post a few pics now (I will go back and pepper them through the blogs where they are relevant) and then head off to read "Sickened" (loaned to me by my SIL..totally forgot I had it until she e-mailed me and asked how I was enjoying the book!). So far so good C!!
p.s. Here I am 30 minutes later (that's seriously how long the pictures took). I don't think I will be posting anymore pictures until we have our own high-speed internet (please God..don't let this be high speed internet!) in our villa>

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