Salam wa aleikum

....thanks for coming to read my blog.

I hope that you will enjoy keeping in touch with our lives, and that one day, you might even make the trek out to come and visit with us (**NB - VISA's upon arrival for Canadians once again!!).

Grab yourself a nice cup of tea (Make mine JTG's Blue Mountain, mixed with a hint of French Earl...but get something that suits your fancy), and let's catch up...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Incredible Hulk

"Don't make me won't like me when I'm angry..."

Every night when I take him upstairs to put him to bed, it seems as though he is MUCH heavier than when I picked him up that morning. And it seems the scales are backing me up. In two weeks, it seems that this little baby boy (just to clarify...I am not talking about Phinn) has put on almost 1 kg of weight (0.9 kg to be exact). On me, weight gain is unpleasant and unwelcome (even in my pregnant state). But on HIM...he just gets sweeter and more plump!! Back fat...moobies...bring it on!!

Today I felt exhausted all day long. Last night's 'celebrations' (dessert and a virgin pina colada--home by 10:15 and in bed by 10:44) and today's 'aftershock' is exactly why I generally spend my nights putting the kids to sleep, watching a show and sleeping by 9:45 (10 at the latest). It was the first day that I didn't miss my decaf Twinings Earl Grey supply (that ran out two weeks ago) which doesn't seem to exist in the UAE. I was a bit apprehensive about driving N to the hospital for his jab--and steeped up a big cup of Lady Grey before I left. I was seriously THAT tired.

Then, Peter came home and I mustered some energy to fill out little A's application for FS2 (at the British school--which is a two minute walk from our home). As I explained to Peter (when he choked on the fees schedule: 43, 650 aed per annum), I am not really sure what my intentions are at this point with respect to little A's schooling in the fall...but, it's a free application and it doesn't hurt to have some options (in case we want to use them). We have also filled out an application for the Canadian School (which is reasonably cheaper), but it bothers me that even though they follow Alberta curriculum, they have jumped on the money-grabbing scheme of KG1 (aka: nursery school at private school prices) and KG2 (when actual curriculum delivery begins--the first mandatory year). However, considering the 'privatization' leanings of our own government in Alberta...perhaps this is a 'dry-run'?? It is also interesting that although KG2 and FS2 are half-day options, the fees are the same as the other years (up to year 6, and then they jump again).

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