Salam wa aleikum

....thanks for coming to read my blog.

I hope that you will enjoy keeping in touch with our lives, and that one day, you might even make the trek out to come and visit with us (**NB - VISA's upon arrival for Canadians once again!!).

Grab yourself a nice cup of tea (Make mine JTG's Blue Mountain, mixed with a hint of French Earl...but get something that suits your fancy), and let's catch up...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

TWO Reasons to Celebrate

1. Seems my husband is 35 years old today. There are only a few months of the year (January, February and March) where we share the same chronological age. Then April comes, I am a whole year older (and wiser) than he is, once again, and the universe can return to balance.

We (little A, baby N & I) got up bright and early (well--N and I that is...A didn't join us until shortly after 7 a.m.) to start baking some 'black-bottomed cupcakes' (aka chocolate with cream cheese) to celebrate. We had a pretty tight schedule to adhere to, as we had grand plans to be at Peter's office by 8:45 for a small 'surprise' celebration. At 9:20, we had to move on to SKMC, for N's physio appointment at 10. Though we were a little late for the party (no more than 10 minutes) it gave us plenty of time to light a candle, sing happy birthday and eat some cupcakes, before heading off again. The cupcakes were a hit, and will be enjoyed by us (well--Peter and I--A likes to make them, but not to eat them) later again this evening.

The handsome men of our family,
(NB: Phinn is missing, as dogs are not allowed at 'the office)

2. We got to phsyio and Dr. Anub was VERY happy to see that baby N was crawling all over the place. NOT commando-style, mind you, but REGULAR hands and knees crawling. He actually spent a few minutes just watching N in wonder, with a small little smile on his face. And then he said "I'm not actually sure what we should do with him today in this session--he's already met his goal.". And so, baby N and little A had a great time at physio, playing with all the toys they could find and crawling around. Probably the first physio session that N has had which hasn't been filled by the sounds of his screams...

So--we have received a 'temporary and honorary discharge' from physiotherapy, for the next month (or so). Which is excellent timing, as baby N is likely going to have to start a round of hormone injections (twice a week, for the next month), next week. These are intramuscular shots, and are supposed to be pretty painful (his pediatric endocrinologist has actually tried to hold off on giving him these shots until he feels it is absolutely necessary--and I believe that on January 9, when he sees N again, he will feel is it necessary). I had told Dr. Anub that if N was going to be having intramuscular injections, that I would be temporarily pulling him from physio. Dr. Anub did not seem entirely happy about my decision...he really didn't want to disrupt N's progress to date (and he was also aware that come end of March, and the arrival of baby 3, the likelihood of me getting N to physio dropped quite a bit). Now, it's all moot--as N has attained his crawling goal. Way to go my sweet little baby boy!!

1 comment:

Donna said...

Way to go, baby N!! Happy Belated Birthday to Peter, too. I am so glad you are writing again. Looking forward to more! :)