Thanks Aunti Aumi for sending us these cool glasses!!
This morning N had an appointment with Dr. Stiles, at the New Al Noor Hospital. The doctor was very pleased with his progress and the notable increase in his muscle tone. He told me that N will now do his own physiotherapy, by using his weight as resistance to continue to increase his muscle tone. He would still like us to have a muscle biopsy done, to rule out muscle disease, but told me that this was not something that was 'time sensitive'. He also helped me to find out where N's pediatric neurologist from SKMC has gone. It seems that Dr. Waseem is applying for a position at Mafraq hospital (although Dr. Stiles wondered why he would leave SKMC to go to 'THAT mess...'). Dr. Stiles told me he would keep me posted on Waseem's whereabouts.
I took a few minutes to pick up my test results for the blood glucose test from two weeks ago. I even managed to sneak in to see Dr. Marwan (very covertly, I might add, considering I had a toddler, and a stroller and am heavily pregnant) to get him to interpret the results for me. He was happy to see us, especially baby N. He told me that babies with muscle diseases tended to have atrophied muscles, and N's bulk did not seem to indicate any evidence of that. He also reported that I did not have gestational diabetes, but that I should be vigilant in taking my prenatal vitamins, as the iron number was a bit low (not low enough to put me on any supplement though). Also--drink more water please.
On my way out, I ran into a friend of mine in the hallway. I met her very early on in our move to Al Raha. She's a lovely lady (with enviable Jennifer Garner dimples) and every time I meet her, I always wish that I had gotten to know her better. She was with her son, and when I asked whether he was okay, she told me he was fine. So--of course--I wondered what would bring her to the New Al Noor Hospital, and she sadly reported to me that she had suffered a miscarriage, evidently her fourth. I felt quite sad for her, knowing her history with pregnancy and how her son was a result of IVF and years of trying. She tried to assure me that it was no big deal and they were used to it...but I'm sure that 'miscarriages' are not the kind of thing one gets used to. My heart goes out to her, and I am trying to think of something nice I can do for her (in addition to a sympathy card)--as I'm sure my very presence (with the basketball sized uterus) will not be of great comfort to her at this time. Ideas are welcome.
Then it was home again, home again...time for lunch and then a nap for little A. N and I packed up again to head out to--you guessed it---SKMC, for the second injection of the week. He did great and it was an hour and a half, door to door.
On the way home, we tried a new route, using the newly opened Sheikh Zayed Bridge. We have watched this bridge being built our entire Abu Dhabi life. I remember looking at it as we drove past, on our way 'home' from the airport our first morning here, and I've watched it 'grow', for the past two years.

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