Salam wa aleikum

....thanks for coming to read my blog.

I hope that you will enjoy keeping in touch with our lives, and that one day, you might even make the trek out to come and visit with us (**NB - VISA's upon arrival for Canadians once again!!).

Grab yourself a nice cup of tea (Make mine JTG's Blue Mountain, mixed with a hint of French Earl...but get something that suits your fancy), and let's catch up...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Baby N: Petits Filous

When you're smiling...

Yesterday we took N to see Dr. Khalid at SKMC. If you remember, Dr. Khalid is the pediatric neurologist who is replacing Dr. Wasseem. As the appointment was late in the day, Peter joined us. Dr. Khalid was very friendly (perhaps he was warmed up as this is the second NS he has cared for in his career) and seemed positive about N's progress. He sent him off for some more bloodwork (to check C/K (creatine kinase) levels--if they are high, then it could indicate muscle deterioration), and fortunately it only took the nurses two tries (one on each arm) to extract the blood they needed. We will have results by Sunday.

I have been feeling a bit run down these last two days (it seems funny to write that--as I've generally been run down since last summer when I got pregnant again--or was it the April before that when I was pregnant with N...or was it....). Anyways, THIS TIME, there has been a mild cough that has been accompanying the tiredness. I was treating myself with just honey and juice and tea...and then yesterday, when we got home from the hospital, my body kicked things up a bit. I started sneezing and sneezing--my eyes puffed out of my head (or so it felt--but when I looked in the mirror I looked just fine) and I needed to constantly carry a tissue around to blow my nose (which was sometimes empty, although it felt drippy). So, it was either the mother of all allergic reactions OR the fastest acting killer virus (that I must've picked up from the hospital--probably from that kid walking around holding a cloth to cover his mouth and nose).

When you're smiling...

Peter helped out by taking the 'snuggler' to bed with him (and she helped out by cooperating), in the case that it was a cold and not an allergy. This morning I feel a bit better (much less sneezing) and I'm hoping that the Tylenol and tea combination will be enough to keep me going til the weekend (when I can rest without feeling bad about the little ones being without a parent). Today we only have one appointment to get through, with Dr. Anub, the physiotherapist. This will be our last appointment with him for a while. I would actually have cancelled it, but Dr. Khalid brought up a 'footwear' issue with us, and I want to check and see what Dr. Anub's opinion will be. Baby N (like his sister) is a devotee of the moccasin style baby shoe (to ensure proper foot muscle development) but Dr. Khalid thought he needed more 'support'. In my mind, more support means heavier feet and would make walking more difficult (not easier) for him. However, I will let the 'experts' weigh in (any out there?) and then try and make the best decision.

This morning, while little A had to pee (for some reason she is VERY reluctant to get up in the morning and pee in the toilet...she always waits until it is the most inconvenient time and then has to pee), I left baby N strapped in the high chair and helped her out. I ensured that all was out of range of his monkey arms, but apparently they go further than I think they can. He decided to release his 'tortured artist' soul, using the medium of greek yogurt and petits filous (raspberry). Mostly, he used himself as the canvas. The artworks are littered throughout this blog, for your enjoyment.

The whole world smiles with you!!

Just an update:
1. Dr. Anub feels strongly that baby N should learn to walk in bare-feet, as this is optimal for foot and arch development. He feels that we should not even consider any orthopedic shoes for him until he is at least 4 or 5 years old OR unless he presents some specific problem (which he is not currently doing). Baby N has normal baby feet and placement. He does not foresee any issues for him.

I am happy that my research on children's footwear is supported, and this is good news for my stockpile of boy's Robeez shoes.

2. Dr. Khalid phoned me (just now...and the test was yesterday--WOW!) and told me the C/K enzyme test levels have come back in the 'normal' range. This is excellent news as it indicates that we do not need to be concerned about muscle deterioration.


Donna said...

Hurray for Baby N!! He is the cutest thing!! I love all your pictures. Anu, you are doing a wonderful job with your little ones. Remember, mamas usually always have the best intuition about their kids! :)

Anu Dhabi said...

Very true about 'mother's intuition', Donna. Sometimes (especially when we are scared or nervous) I find we look to outside sources to reinforce what we already know to be true.

Donna said...

So true, I still do that and my kids are now 18 and 20!