Salam wa aleikum

....thanks for coming to read my blog.

I hope that you will enjoy keeping in touch with our lives, and that one day, you might even make the trek out to come and visit with us (**NB - VISA's upon arrival for Canadians once again!!).

Grab yourself a nice cup of tea (Make mine JTG's Blue Mountain, mixed with a hint of French Earl...but get something that suits your fancy), and let's catch up...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Back in business

Our Pool Party

Our pool that is.

On Monday, little A and Peter braved the waters, although, due to my 'busy' schedule (groceries and a play-date) they ended up dipping in late in the day (around 5 pm). Though the water was warm, the wind on their wet skin was cool, and it wasn't a very pleasurable experience for either of them.

Little Mermaid

On Tuesday, I fully intended to get her in the pool around 11, but after learning that one of my friend's here was 8 weeks pregnant (congratulations Sharon!), I was too excited and happy to share the 'baby buzz' with her, and didn't make it back as early as I had planned. I tried to take her around 1 pm, but she wasn't cooperative and so we napped instead. We ended up finally getting into the pool around 3:45, and although we also had a bit of wind to contend with, it was altogether a more fun time than the previous day.

Today, I plan to hit the 11 a.m. mark for swim-time. Baby N is napping right now, so we may try and dip in a bit earlier. N has been crazy busy today. He has been 'helping' out around the house. Mostly by rearranging furniture. I enjoyed watching him move the chair and table around in the play area (and it was endearingly sweet when he got his head stuck in the chair and couldn't quite figure out how to get it out). This morning he tried to help himself to some water from the water cooler too. He is VERY curious and making an effort to make up for lost time. He even discovered a new way to get around the picnic table--by going OVER it.

Suffice it to say, I am fairly tired already (and it is 10:30 in the morning). I can't wait until MY nap time this afternoon. I think it might be one of those rare days where I ask my helper to play with him and put him down for a sleep when he is tired.


The pictures that are sprinkled throughout this post are all from Friday, February 18. It is a long weekend (in honour of the Prophet's birthday on the 15th). We have really enjoyed a wonderful 'family' day (despite the fact that I've been up since 4 a.m.--in addition to getting up three time last night to pee). Between 11 & 12 is a great time to swim. The sun's heat counteracts the cooling properties of the wind. We even felt comfortable taking baby N in the water today and it was delightful to see those little sausage legs kicking and splashing around!

Loving the float-boat

1 comment:

Donna said...

I am so envious of your weather and pool time! We have been contending with -25 degrees Celsius all week and a windchill in the minus 30s! It's been bright and sunny but still very uncomfortable for swimming! I am so jealous!!