Salam wa aleikum

....thanks for coming to read my blog.

I hope that you will enjoy keeping in touch with our lives, and that one day, you might even make the trek out to come and visit with us (**NB - VISA's upon arrival for Canadians once again!!).

Grab yourself a nice cup of tea (Make mine JTG's Blue Mountain, mixed with a hint of French Earl...but get something that suits your fancy), and let's catch up...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Surly Mama... seems like we're in the 'home stretch'--just a little over four weeks to go.

This morning I was feeling a bit 'surly'--grouchy...pissy....hormonal...assertive--call it what you will. This morning our favourite breakfast joint had 'high security procedures' in place, for the IDEX show (military conference). Usually their 'high security' is just a scanner, which my children and I just walk around (due to my pregnancy and their tiny bodies).

TODAY, however, I was directed behind a 'curtain' where I was greeted by three Emirati (I'm assuming) ladies. They didn't really seem to know why I was there, so I reminded them that they were supposed to pat me down. What seemed like hours later (remember: 8 months pregnant and hungry) Number 3 stood up and gave me a nice little pat on the back. She held baby N (probably more because he's so cute and she wanted to give him a snuggle) under the pretense of 'frisking' him. When she passed him back to me, Number 2 decided it was important to tell me how to hold my son 'the right way' (and honestly--her suggestion was to put him on my hip, which is exactly where he was to begin with). Seriously--how else can you hold a baby if your belly looks like THIS:

Belly feels the home STRETCH more than anyone...

Will you believe what popped out of my mouth??

I icily replied: "This is my THIRD baby" (pointing at my belly), "I think I know how to hold him properly".


Where did THAT come from?? Normally I just smile and nod politely when I get unsolicited parenting advice (I have LOTS of practice).

She looked a bit confused, and then Number 1, who was sitting closest to me 'translated' my words. As I promptly (carefully) turned on my heel (flat, birkenstock orthodpedic shoe) and stormed (shuffled) out, I saw her nodding in understanding (but understanding exactly WHAT I wonder??).

Hmmmmm....what could have put me in such a 'mood' this morning??

I've had a LOVELY week. I've visited with friends, had a pedicure (my toes look GREAT!), watched an episode of Supernatural (love!love!love! those Winchester boys!) and we have a LONG weekend. I've even been shopping and found some great sales (all stuff for the little ones). We've had some great 'family time', and we are all getting very excited and eager to meet our newest addition (although a name is still eluding us...we are VERY close).


Donna said...

Sounds like those hormones are kicking into high gear! It won't be long now! I will be thinking of you and waiting with baited (sp?) breath for your news! Take care and don't worry about the surliness! You are entitled. After all, you are in your 9th month with your third baby! Who wouldn't be surly? All the power to ya!! :)

Anu Dhabi said...

March 24 Donna...that's 'THE DATE'...confirmed by my obgyn (insh'allah) yesterday. Thanks for writing (and reading).