Salam wa aleikum

....thanks for coming to read my blog.

I hope that you will enjoy keeping in touch with our lives, and that one day, you might even make the trek out to come and visit with us (**NB - VISA's upon arrival for Canadians once again!!).

Grab yourself a nice cup of tea (Make mine JTG's Blue Mountain, mixed with a hint of French Earl...but get something that suits your fancy), and let's catch up...

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Family Birthday Photo (Phinn is under the table)

Yesterday, I officially turned 36.

I really enjoyed my day and even got a few surprises to make it very special.

In the morning I played basketball with little A outside. She has a great overhand shot (Uncle Chris would be proud). We collected some flowers from the yard, examined them for ants and pollen, and then put them in a vase inside. Little A has her own vase (a small glass yogurt container that we kept as a souvenir from our trip to Qasr Al Sarab).

As I was feeding baby N (after he woke up from his nap), there was a knock on my door. Still in my 'loungewear' (which I can wear day OR night--the new mom's clothing of choice), I was a bit surprised, as nobody was expected (and not many friends here know when my birthday is). It turned out to be a very pleasant surprise as my friend Farzana popped her head around the door and came bouncing in (literally) to wish me happy birthday. She had brought a present and another friend, Femme (who also brought a present). It was a very short (but sweet) visit, and I was grateful for it.

I managed to squeeze in a 'happy-birthday-to-me' shower in the morning, as I asked Malou to watch the babes for 15 minutes. Then we moved on to lunch and nap-time. Baby N was the first to wake up, and we enjoyed reading a book about farm animals together, while he had his milk. As we were playing upstairs, Peter came home from work. He took baby N downstairs (after fiddling around for a bit) and I was surprised when I heard what sounded like a very VERBAL baby N. I thought to myself that baby N doesn't talk THAT much with me--and found myself a bit jealous that he enjoyed 'talking' with his dad so much.

When I strained to listen in, I noticed that it wasn't actually baby N's voice I was hearing, but that of another child. I couldn't identify WHICH child for sure, but definitely not one that I had birthed. I was so pleased when I came downstairs to see that Peter had invited my friend Shariza (who brought her daughter Arysha) to help us eat a big tray of cupcakes!!

With Shariza and Arysha

We chowed down on some delicious cupcakes (though I maintain that my own red velvet are superior), and enjoyed some lovely company. Little A really got into playing with Arysha and they even exchanged stories about how they had each acquired various cuts and bruises. We followed up with an order of Sumo Sushi for supper, and an episode of Glee.

What a great birthday!! Thanks to all who sent good wishes my way--you made my day!



Donna said...

I feel bad, I thought of you all day! I should have emailed. I'm sorry, Happy Belated Birthday!! But, I do have a good excuse. It was my hubby's birthday too!! Except, it was his 52nd. I know he wishes it was his 36th (actually he told me he wished it was his 19th)! Where do the years go? One day, you will ask that question too! By the way, you look wonderful!

Anu Dhabi said...

Everyone looks wonderful when they are eating red velvet cupcakes!!

Thanks Donna!