Salam wa aleikum

....thanks for coming to read my blog.

I hope that you will enjoy keeping in touch with our lives, and that one day, you might even make the trek out to come and visit with us (**NB - VISA's upon arrival for Canadians once again!!).

Grab yourself a nice cup of tea (Make mine JTG's Blue Mountain, mixed with a hint of French Earl...but get something that suits your fancy), and let's catch up...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Punjabi Chef

It seems that the wind has been blowing for over a week now. We are supposed to be taking NB S outside for some 'phototherapy'--but with the extreme winds, that hasn't been happening. For the first few days, there was a great deal of sand blowing around as well (which isn't good for anyone's respiratory system).

Sunday night, NB S experienced her first 'storm'. We had sheet lightning, and a pittance of rainfall--a whopping four minutes of downpour. Had we lived on the other end of Raha Gardens (which Peter tells me is 5 km away), we would have had four HOURS of rain (I love rain!!). However, it was enough to keep the sand down and I am grateful for that (probably not as grateful as Malou who is on the front-lines in the sand war).

But the wind continues to blow, and I want to take the babes outside for a walk--but nobody wants to walk a newborn in a crazy windstorm.

I am happy to report that my feet are returning to their normal 'cute' state. The children can actually step on my feet without causing me extreme pain, and I think I could actually slip on my Birkenstocks again (if I actually was going anywhere). I have also enjoyed walking up and down the stairs a few times, without having to use the railing to hoist myself up each step--that's how much the pain in my hips has subsided. Yahoo!!

Today, in an effort to use what little groceries we have in the house (thank goodness I put 'grocery shopping' as a priority the day before NB S was born) I made some Indian food (North Indian to be specific--which I have discovered living out here that you must be). I attempted to make aloo, mutter with paneer (translation: potatoes and peas with indian cottage cheese).

Last week, we discovered that a bunch of lovely tomatoes had gotten bruised and battered in the fridge. So, I took a page from my mom's book of 'waste not-want not', cut off all the bruised bits, chopped them into small cubes and stored them in a ziploc container in the fridge (see--I'm not totally my mom yet as she would have likely put them in a ziploc bag in the freezer). This week, I have been worried that the tomatoes that I saved from the garbage, would STILL end up in the garbage (but with extra efforts wasted on prepping them). I found some big potatoes under the sink and we generally always have onions. So, despite the time limits I have (as I am usually attached to NB S, nursing in a chair), I made an effort to get organized and make this dish (which involved quite a bit of juggling).

Boy--was it worth it! Both of the 'food critics' in this house (Peter and Malou) were very happy with the results. Malou continues to ask me if I have written the recipe down for this (to which I reply 'no--I just went with what came out of my head'--of course based on my mom's recipes, but I had to guesstimate all the spice amounts as I had a LOT of tomatoes to use!!).

We sent Malou off in a silver taxi to do the grocery shopping (this is the second day in a row that Peter has asked if we REALLY need the groceries--to which I replied: only if we actually want to eat). I am not driving yet or I would go myself. This worked out really well, as she knows what we need in the fridge, and she gets out of the house to do something different. The timing was poor, as in the evenings groceries are pretty picked over (for example, there was no lettuce left), but it meant that we got in our family time, despite the fact that Peter also had a late meeting AND an evening meeting as well.

Today, Phinn has been eating a diet of rice and egg to help his settle his tummy. N has learned that he can climb and sit on top of containers. A has been working on 'sharing' with N and NB S has learned she prefers the banana flavour of Salinol to the (minty?) Ovol drops.

Tomorrow I think I will make some pasta sauce with the remainder of the tomatoes. Pretty low on the 'labour intensity' scale. Additionally, I have to start preparing for NB S's 'First Moon Birthday' which we are hosting (a week early) on Friday.

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