New haircut
How did we celebrate?? Well, first, at 7:17 a.m., we went outside and had another haircut (I believe this would be the fourth one). I figure this one will hold until we head to Canada (and I can touch him up before that). It was already well into the 30's by then--and so I had to be quick. My luck held out (I think) and he seems to have another lovely haircut (what will Ellie Grandma think though?).

New teething beads
Then, it was time to switch his teething beads over. If you recall, I had Natural Urban Mamas send me two pairs of round black amber teething beads. I actually didn't end up getting any special service from them (or any discount for the previous necklace he was wearing that had a piece that broke off). However, they were pleasant to deal with and I did get manage to get the beads delivered here in a reasonable time-frame.
So, now he is wearing the round beads (as opposed to the chunks he had before). I don't think it makes a difference to him at all, but now he'll match with his two sisters.
Speaking of timely deliveries, I visited the mailbox yesterday, and it seems there is a parcel to be picked up at the main branch of Emirates Post. The package arrived on April 25, and I just received this notice in my mailbox this week. I will wait until Peter gets back from his trip before going to pick it up. Aunty Aumi--could this possibly be the package YOU sent back in January/February?? I sure hope so (as I know you spent a small fortune on shipping). I will keep you POSTED (hahahahhaha!!).
Look mom! We're playing nicely together!
Little A continues to sleep in her room. She has been having a week full of mosquito bites (at last count there were TWELVE on her body!). She chose a lovely red zebra band-aid for her forehead to cover one of them, as she was scratching so much, I was afraid that it might scar.
NB S has started joining me in some fennel tea (my next best effort to help her with her gas and spitting up). So far, it seems to have made a little difference--she is not bringing up milk at every feed anymore. However, this could also just be attributed to her body maturing. But--a little fennel tea never hurt anyone.
Only two more sleeps until Peter comes home.
1 comment:
I used to give my babies peppermint or chamomile tea to calm their tummies when they fussed with gas. I'm not sure if it worked, but it made me feel better! I am surprised that you have mosquitoes there. We have so many here this year! On recess supervision, they swarm around your head. I have never seen anything like it! I sure hope they won't be around all summer like this!
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