Salam wa aleikum

....thanks for coming to read my blog.

I hope that you will enjoy keeping in touch with our lives, and that one day, you might even make the trek out to come and visit with us (**NB - VISA's upon arrival for Canadians once again!!).

Grab yourself a nice cup of tea (Make mine JTG's Blue Mountain, mixed with a hint of French Earl...but get something that suits your fancy), and let's catch up...

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

SKMC Wednesday

Wow!! It's an early night--all the little ones were in bed by 7:18 (and all in their OWN beds I might add!).

Today we spent the entire morning at SKMC. Baby N was supposed to have an appointment LAST week, however when I got there, they informed me that my appointment had been rescheduled for today. I guess they tried to call me TWICE on April 20, and got no response. So, they just gave up and assumed I would wait for my 'text' reminder about the appointment. Good thing I had another reason to be there last week, or I would have been really unhappy.

This morning our appointment was scheduled for 9:40. I had been told to come earlier ("No problem"), so we ("We" meaning my entourage, Malou, Little A, Baby N and NB S and I) got there around 9 a.m., in the hopes of being done faster. Well, that didn't go as planned. I didn't get to see the doctor until 10:30. We got home by 12 noon, in time for lunch and naps. Suffice it to say, we were all a little tired.

I guess the positive to come out of this is we have a new pediatrician for Baby N. I was never really thrilled with Dr. Just. I confess I was more than annoyed when they told me upon arrival today that Dr. Just had a sick day (and last week it was vacation time). This was, after all, supposed to be a 'follow-up' visit, and it is very difficult to follow-up with someone who has no previous experience with your case history. So, when I went in, I had to provide an overview of Baby N's medical history (which meant remembering a whole lot of medical terms, numbers and tests).

I was surprisingly pleased with this new doctor (Dr. Eeve-Lisa I think?). She was from Finland, and she actually seemed to have spent some time reading through Baby N's file. I did the usual overview for her, but she also interjected with questions and comments that other doctor's had made in N's file. How refreshing! Much better than Dr. Just.

She did mention two words that I have come to hate (PW--how I despise you and wish I'd never come to hear of you in my lifetime). But not in terms of any diagnosis, rather, something to be watchful for. I can do that.

She told me that Baby N, is 'normal' and doing all the things he SHOULD be doing. Not walking yet? That's okay--he still has time. Too heavy? Just putting on weight at a different ratio than he is growing tall. Put him on low-fat milk and let him keep on being active. Communication? Baby-talk--it will come.

Despite the amount of time it took from our day, I enjoyed this meeting. The doctor seemed knowledgeable about tests and she wrote up two referrals for me (she also gave me the appropriate paper-work to take home). Also, she was personable, and had a kind and caring manner with Baby N. She did not seem surprised when I asked that my future follow-ups be with her, rather than with Dr. Just. Perhaps this happens often...

One second after this she was howling and screaming-

The afternoon was pretty calm. Not too much time to do much of anything. After we got home it was lunch and naps (not for me of course). NB S seemed to have some serious gas pains (started when we got home from the hospital) and I had a very difficult time staying calm and helping her through. She seemed to want milk, and then when I offered it to her it was too much and she would gag and choke. Whatever she did swallow appeared to make its way back up (and out) when I burped her. There was a lot of screaming, and I thought something would explode: her tummy or my head.

Fortunately, nothing did. She managed to settle down around 6 pm. I gave her a warm bath, some Salinol drops and some milk (which so far has stayed down).

It's amazing--no matter how many children you have--you never really become an expert. The crying and screaming still bothered me just as much as it did with Little A. I felt just as helpless and clueless as I did back then (although I'm sure on the outside I must seem so much more confident--I hope).

Speaking of number of children, Little A mentioned to me this morning that she thinks we have enough babies and that we don't need to have anymore. She clarified with me that I did not need to go back to the hospital and bring back any more babies.

I completely agree!

p.s. I just noticed how so VERY much that photo of NB S looks like Little A--it's crazy!!
p.p.s. Little A earned her second sticker today, and from the sounds of it will be receiving number three in the morning! Way to go my sweet little girl!!

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