Little Don Ho
Thank you Aunty Aumi! Your package, mailed on March 24 (NB's birthday) has finally reached its destination. I received the notice in my mailbox about two weeks ago, but as Peter was away on business, and I had no desire to load three children and a helper into a truck and risk our lives in the city trying to find the main post office branch, we only picked it up today. What a fun-filled package it was!

Little A is the only one with enough dexterity to open these packages, and thus she has been the official 'Gift Opener' for NB S. She loves it, especially when friends have been kind enough to include little gifts for her and baby N.
Baby N's fine motor skills have really improved, and he likes to spend time flipping pages in books. I hope that he will also come to enjoy the many adventures and stories on those pages as well.
This afternoon we are attending a Father-Son birthday party. I am exhausted (what's new) and I have one of the worst haircuts ever (seriously going into my top 5 list) and so my hair doesn't do ANYTHING--doesn't even look good in a ponytail! I am hoping to get in a little nap now, but...NB S seems a bit hungry and this doesn't seem like it's going to happen.
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