Everybody in our family needs to do their part to get ready for B3's arrival. Phinn's jobs were to get some food stocked up (which the German Vet seems to be doing a very poor job in helping us out with as they are always 'out' of his premium food) AND to have his hair-cut. Unfortunately, when I tried to book a grooming for him, the GV let us down again, as their groomer is on holiday and won't be back until April. Who are they referring to? The American and British Vet Clinics (both in the city and not an enjoyable driving option) AND the Abu Dhabi Falcon Hospital (supposedly our closest option). Obviously, you can tell from the title of this post, which option I chose--we all need a little adventure in our lives from time to time, don't we?
The directions on their website were great, and I managed to find it without any problems. I was worried about the quality of their service for pets (particularly dogs--as this is predominantly a hospital for 'locals' and we know that most of the local population are quite cynophobic). I was very happy to see the groomer, was not only a Filipino gentleman, but the same fellow (Seg) who had groomed Phinn in the past at the German Vet Clinic (he has since moved on). He also recognized Phinn, and I felt comfortable leaving him in his capable and experienced hands.
...And here are the results:
Phinny Lion--no boots
Just two dawgs, chillin'
He has always been super protective of me--and is particularly 'assertive' towards male adults. As we were waiting, two local men pulled up in a monster truck, and hopped out talking loud and being 'macho'. Upon spotting Phinn (and his sweet little lion cut) they began to laugh, at which Phinn took offence and asserted his OWN machismo. He began barking, which honestly, frightened these men a bit (you can always tell when the automatic response is to shrink back whether it's the 'flight' or 'fight' response kicking in). I told Phinn to be quiet, and gave him a tug on the leash. But did he listen?? NOOOOOOOOOO. So, these men felt the need to yell 'Finish! Finish!' at him (which did not help at all). Then Malou came out and asked me why these local men were yelling 'finish' at me--and all I can assume is they meant to say 'stop' (I don't think "Finish" is Arabic for anything--but I will double-check with my only local friend, Amal).
All in all--a little more comedy to end our ADFH experience (as if the goat in the hatchback in the morning wasn't enough!! But that's a whole other blog entry!!).

Although I was dog-tired (literally) I really enjoyed my evening out with the 'gals' (Andrea--wish you had been there). My friend Deema picked me up and drove us to the Shangri-La hotel. The lobby area was a bit smokey (something I will be writing a letter about--b/c I have so much free time), and so we opted to sit outside on the patio--which would have been lovely, had the winds not been blowing so strongly off the water. After a while, we moved inside (the crowds had thinned and we were able to get a spot as far as possible away from the lounge). They had two musicians playing, which made for a lovely mood, and we all were able to relax and enjoy our teas and desserts. It was a LATE night (I didn't get home until 10:40--crazy--I know!!), but I was really enjoying the conversation and laughs with friends. It's a shame that we don't do this more often (many of my friends here are moms too and seriously--someone has to have a baby or move away for us to get together for an 'evening out').

N loves Phinn's plush dog bed
Fortunately, Deema also brought a camera along, and when she sends me the pictures, I will update this post with them.
Here is a group photo:
(left to right: Shariza, Brenda, Sharon,
Yolande, moi, Mirha, Christine &
Deema behind the camera).
1 comment:
Wish I was there to celebrate!
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