That's what I called little A and baby N BEFORE we got pregnant with B3. 'Irish Twins' because not only are they fairly close in age, but in some of baby N's early pictures, he is indistinguishable from little A (as a baby, of course). So much so that little A looked at baby N's pictures and said "that's me when I was a baby." Now, we will be able to apply that title more aptly to baby N and B3.
We didn't do much to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. We have our shamrocks up around the house, and we all wore green today (although I did not introduce the idea of pinching those who don't wear green--b/c I am not a glutton for punishment). Little A even watched an episode of Rupert Bear where he meets a leprechaun and learns about the bad blood between the leprechauns and Mr. Crumb's family (feel free to watch it at the following link--there are three parts: Rupert Bear and the Leprechaun).
Of all the things that needed to be done, I managed to mail off a letter and move around some furniture (the chairs are all settled upstairs). I also got to enjoy a nice cup of tea with a friend at La Brioche--a local coffee shop chain.
I am afraid to look at the 'list' as I know not much got done. I did manage to start AND finish a pair of scratch mitts for B3. Now, only booties and a hat to go. This is definitely something I can only do while the little ones sleep, as I have to keep track of rows and stitches--something I cannot do with distractions.
Some good news--I have heard that Dr. Marwan is back in the building. He was supposed to perform a c-section for a friend of a friend, but ended up just going to check on her after the fact. I am glad that he is responsible enough to be refraining from surgery when he has infectious potential (although I hear she was a bit chuffed about it). Looks like he should be ready to operate by the time I need him (one week from today--YIKES!).
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Happy St. Patty's to you, Anu!! It was a very green day at school today! We also had our Open House tonight. I thought we had a very good turnout! I am looking forward to your news on the 24th! Bet you are too. Not too much longer! :)
Open House--I remember those good times!
Six more days--wow! Still so much feels like it needs to be done...but I know it will be...still have time.
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